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Catchy Advertising Slogans can improve your success
Published by Heather Frost — 01-01-2017 12:01:36 PM
I want to get this started off on the right foot, so there are no confusions or hurt feelings. I am a big fan of creativity. I think it?s so?unique. If you have that creative energy and use it, I tip my hat to you, for you make the world a better place to shuffle around in. Disclaimer finished, let?s get going.
Did you go to college? Did you major in advertising? Hahaha, really!? Did you party a lot? I bet you did. Did you enter school with the intention of majoring in advertising? I bet you didn?t. Oh you did? I bet you partied a lot in high school.
My point here isn?t that advertising isn?t a serious career that only a select few people can do well, because I think it is. But, that?s the problem, only a select few people can do it well. With that said, advertising is one of the most majored in fields in universities and the general field of advertising has come to permeate nearly every facet of our daily lives. This tells me that a lot of these graduates are getting hired to do what they studied. Which is funny to me, because advertising seems to be a major that everyone can at least pass. But, once they have the diploma they?re qualified. Or are they?
I found an automated advertising slogan machine online. It generates advertising slogans for whichever word you enter into the text box. I have to say I think that it did a pretty good job. But, can it do as good as actual studied experts in the field of advertising. To compare I found a few slogans that were ranked as some of the best slogans fromthe "old" days
Take a look and see if you can tell which slogans an educated advertiser that makes an excellent living off his/her razor sharp wit conceived and which one was made by the automatic generator.
? Lipsmackin' Thirstquenchin' Acetastin' Motivatin' Goodbuzzin' Cooltalkin' Highwalkin' Fastlivin' Evergivin' Coolfizzin' Perpendicular.
? Reach out and touch someone
? I Wish I Were a Fuscia Weiner.
? Don't be vague.
Ask for Haig
? I Saw Strategy and I Thought of You.
? We try harder
? It's Just For Me And My Range.
? You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent
? Puts the Pickles in America
To be fair I want to reiterate that the actual corporate financed and okay?d slogans were chosen among a group recognized as the best of their respective years; whereas the auto-generated slogans were simply the first to pop out of the machine.
Again, I?m not bashing the profession or the professionals, but somehow I feel confident saying that a majority of the advertisers out there took on their most ambitious and creatively convincing efforts in their job interviews.
To your success
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About Heather Frost

Hello fellow wealth seekers My name is Heather Frost and i live in the UK with my family, 3 dogs and a cat. I work as a music entertainer for care homes in my local area. Its great to see people smiling and laughing on a daily basis. I love my work. Over the past couple of years i have been interested in making an income online, so i took the plunge. I have made mistakes along the way and lost money, but i found a great site that i joined last year called "Worldprofit".They train you how to market online successfully . Check out the video below for a quick overview of this remarkable company. This is my platform for promoting any affiliate link that i have. Here are just some of what is available inside. Not only do i get my own website with full hosting but also packed with tools like squeeze pages, landing pages, funnels, adcopy, leads, traffic sources, valuable training, live monitors and so much more!! To all of your future success online and off. Heather Frost