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Patience Is a Superpower By Michael Pietrzak
1. Accept where you are.
“Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.” —William James.
2. Patience is not inactivity.
“Patience is also a form of action.” — Auguste Rodin
3. Be a Stoic.
“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.” — Epictetus
4. See low seasons as gifts.
“You can get so confused that you’ll start in to race down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace and grind on for miles cross weirdish wild space, headed, I fear, toward a most useless place. The Waiting Place…” —Dr. Seuss
5. Frustration opens no doors.
“What, me worry?” —Mad Magazine
6. Patience is natural.
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” — Lao Tzu
7. You will come back stronger.
“Let difficulties know that you too are difficult.” — Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Own your superpower, and you might even find that you actually enjoy the wait.
About Susan Fourie

Hello Everyone, My name is Susan Fourie, and I live in South Africa. I have been marketing online since 2014, and it has taken these four years to finally figure out how I can make a profit online. I have been enjoying my online marketing very much and have learned a lot from various people that I have met along the way. My MISSION now is to share and assist those who also want to build an online business so they can too generate a residual income. How am I going to do this, by focusing on what I have been taught by my Mentor and Coaches and then what I have learned to those who need help with understanding how the internet works. Looking To The Future Together