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LAS Blogs: Susan Fourie
About Susan Fourie

Hello Everyone, My name is Susan Fourie, and I live in South Africa. I have been marketing online since 2014, and it has taken these four years to finally figure out how I can make a profit online. I have been enjoying my online marketing very much and have learned a lot from various people that I have met along the way. My MISSION now is to share and assist those who also want to build an online business so they can too generate a residual income. How am I going to do this, by focusing on what I have been taught by my Mentor and Coaches and then what I have learned to those who need help with understanding how the internet works. Looking To The Future Together
A Manual for Dealing with Rejection
Published on 09-12-2019 07:09:06 AM by Susan Fourie
Each no is just a fork in the road, and you need to see where that new path leads you.
Is it a dead-end, or is it yet another road that goes somewhere else?”
... (continue reading →)5 Creative Benefits of Daydreaming
Published on 09-12-2019 07:09:11 AM by Susan Fourie
Great ideas start as dreams.
If you want to enhance your innovative powers, the first step is to
Why You Need Positive People in Your Life
Published on 09-10-2019 06:09:48 AM by Susan Fourie
One big mistake people make is not realizing that happiness is an individual choice
But every choice is influenced by the people in our lives.
If you
... (continue reading →)5 Clear Ways to Remove Mental Clutter
Published on 09-10-2019 06:09:19 AM by Susan Fourie
Mental clarity at home and work are within our reach.
With a few modifications, we grow closer to a life that’s not only balanced but also satisfying.
Start removing mental clutter today for a better tomorrow.
Your entire life design will become more
... (continue reading →)9 Protips for Avoiding Loneliness When You Work From Home
Published on 09-09-2019 06:09:44 AM by Susan Fourie
Here, you’ll find a guide for avoiding loneliness when you work from home, including tips
from writers like Jamie Friedlander and other professionals who’ve learned the best ways to be
social without
... (continue reading →)Education & Experience Don’t Guarantee Success—Attitude & Habits Do
Published on 09-09-2019 06:09:27 AM by Susan Fourie
Looking at these things, it seems like there is little you can control.
But none of these things will matter if you neglect the
Ditch Your Bad Habits in 5 Simple Steps
Published on 09-09-2019 06:09:12 AM by Susan Fourie
Don’t like the way these scenarios play out?
Then shift yourself out of your worst habits to guarantee yourself a happily ever after.
All it takes is some applied focus.
... (continue reading →)Are You Honoring or Ignoring Your Values?
Published on 09-03-2019 07:09:36 AM by Susan Fourie
One of my responsibilities as a motivator is to show people how to acquire the attitude
they need to be happy and successful on all levels of life while enjoying the process.
... (continue reading →)If It Doesn’t Suck, It’s Not Worth Doing
Published on 09-02-2019 10:09:45 AM by Susan Fourie
You’ve played it out in your mind with such intoxicating detail that you become satisfied enough.
You become numb.
And you deceive yourself into believing you’ve actually done something productive.
... (continue reading →)Blending: The Answer to Work-Life Balance
Published on 09-02-2019 10:09:11 AM by Susan Fourie
It’s all about giving attention to what’s important right now, without worrying about whether you’re
on the clock or not. It’s about managing your commitments so that everything you want to do
gets done, without forcing yourself to conform to “work time” and “personal
... (continue reading →)