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LAS Blogs: Susan Fourie
About Susan Fourie

Hello Everyone, My name is Susan Fourie, and I live in South Africa. I have been marketing online since 2014, and it has taken these four years to finally figure out how I can make a profit online. I have been enjoying my online marketing very much and have learned a lot from various people that I have met along the way. My MISSION now is to share and assist those who also want to build an online business so they can too generate a residual income. How am I going to do this, by focusing on what I have been taught by my Mentor and Coaches and then what I have learned to those who need help with understanding how the internet works. Looking To The Future Together
4 Steps to Make Self-Care Part of Your Routine
Published on 04-07-2019 04:04:15 AM by Susan Fourie
Being able to take a moment for yourself in order to hit the reset button is something we all need to do every once in a while.
... (continue reading →)13 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Every Day
Published on 04-07-2019 04:04:07 AM by Susan Fourie
Sleep, wake up, work. And repeat. That’s a daily grind that will have you burning out the next time your alarm goes off.
The Art of True Confidence
Published on 04-07-2019 04:04:34 AM by Susan Fourie
We need to get clear on what true confidence really looks like, so we can understand how it works, how to cultivate it and how to rediscover it when it wanes.
... (continue reading →)11 Inspiring Quotes From Extraordinary Women
Published on 04-07-2019 03:04:42 AM by Susan Fourie
We encourage you to take a stand, to forge a path, to break the rules—to make a difference in your life and in the world.
... (continue reading →)15 Qualities of Mentally Tough People
Published on 04-07-2019 03:04:31 AM by Susan Fourie
There are habits you can develop to improve your mental toughness.
In fact, the hallmarks of mentally tough people are actually
... (continue reading →)Why Your Attitude Is Everything
Published on 04-06-2019 05:04:11 AM by Susan Fourie
Habitual bad attitudes are often the product of past experiences and events.
Common causes include low self-esteem, stress, fear, resentment, anger
and an inability to handle change.
... (continue reading →)The Key to Creating Positive Habits
Published on 04-06-2019 05:04:07 AM by Susan Fourie
You can make rules to make yourself and those around you happier, too.
Simple rules can make it far easier for you to follow through on your
... (continue reading →)How Journaling by Hand Changed My Life
Published on 04-06-2019 05:04:43 AM by Susan Fourie
Consistency requires a lot of discipline, but from my experimentation,
I learned there are five things you can do to make it easier:
3 Mental Upgrades That Will Propel You to Achievement
Published on 04-06-2019 05:04:16 AM by Susan Fourie
Do and believe that which moves you toward your goals.
Everything emanates from there.
5 Expert Tips to Be a Healthy Influence on Others
Published on 04-04-2019 06:04:49 AM by Susan Fourie
The buddy system works.
If you are really committed to eating better and getting into shape,
you’ll probably want to influence the people closest to you as well.
These expert tips can help, if you looking to entice friends or colleagues
... (continue reading →)