

Eric Gailliard Jr.

Contact Info

Facebook - edgailliardjr

Twitter - edgailliardjr

Location - Fort Mill, SC

Join Date - 2016-09-14

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About Me

Eric D. Gailliard Jr, a very astute and strong minded young man with countless goals and dream to provide prosperity to others. He has a great deal of experience in the Corporate World in the Mortgage industry as well as the retail industry. Having the opportunity to hone his craft sharpened his mind to learn different types of people along his journey.

While he was trying to embark on his right career path, he came across a very popular industry, that being the stock market and the foreign exchange. The New York Stock Exchange has a daily volume of 33.4 billion dollars and the Foreign Exchange has an astounding 5.3 trillion dollars in daily volume. Eric noticed the growth and the potential of this industry at the age of 18 and began to learn the trade. While he came across many obstacles, he also came across lasting connections that are very close to him as of this very second. His organization branches out to over 100 countries as of now and growing.

That is when he founded The Generations Exchange™. The vision is focused on educating the youthful generation and the more mature generation on financial education and financial independence. Eric believes that there is potential for everyone to succeed with the right mindset and guidance along the way.

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