Seducing The Search Engines

Published by Gilles Goyette — 01-17-2019 07:01:39 PM

Here is an idea that will put you miles ahead of your competition and put cash in your pocket fast!

     Promoting affiliate programs is a breeze if you know how to get the search engines to send you tons of qualified prospects. 

    The key to getting the search engines' attention is to provide good quality information presented in a keword optimized context.  Now, how do you define good quality information and where do you find it?

     The search engines' job, the way they see it, is to provide exactly the right information a person is looking for, the first time.  The quicker they can provide the needed information, the more satisfied

their clients will be.  If you can provide that content on your web-page the search engines will send you droves of qualified, willing to buy traffic.

     So how do you know what people are looking for before they start their research on the search engines?  Here's how:

1.  Start by doing a quick survey at your local magazine store.  Yes, you'll have to get out of that comfortable chair in front of the computer...

     Find several magazines on the subject of the affiliate program you want to promote.

2.  Look at the headlines on the cover.

3.  Look at the headlines of the in-depth articles.

4.  Look at the headlines of important stories that talk about future developments.

5.  Write down all the headlines. Break out the key words and 2-3 word key-word groups and put them into three categories:  words taken from the cover, major stories and other interesting stories in the magazines you reviewed.

     These are the hottest key words in order of priority.  Because the major publications are talking about it, people will naturally investigate further on these topics.  These keywords will be on top of their mind because they have just read / heard about them.

     When you build your web-pages based on the hottest key-words, the search engines will flock to your site.  They will bring you the highly targeted visitors that will be the foundation of your business.

About Gilles Goyette


Hello Everyone, My name is Gilles Goyette, I am married and have 3 wonderful children. I live in Quebec, Canada. My first language is French and I am work from home for more than 10 years. I have been marketing online since 2005. Over the past 13 years I have invested a vast amount of time and money in my business education, my area of expertise is in photo copier and offset press services. I turned to internet marketing in 2008 because our local economy and too much competition in that particular domain. Marketing online in my opinion is much more rewarding and offers the freedom over time restraints that a traditional business has. I have enjoyed my online marketing very much. It took me 5 years of jumping from business to business banging my head against the wall before I figured out how to profit online. You are not alone there is a solution. I am working on a step by step formula on how to help my coworkers to see the light at the end of tonal. I will = Failure. Action = Success So keep focusing on your goal. Build your list! P.S. Check out my favorite programs