Mudball Records - experimental music

Published by Mike Cosma — 01-11-2017 11:01:47 PM

Way back when I had a cassette tape label called Mudball Records (note: I never sold any records just tapes). The name just sounded catchy to me. I really did not "sell" many tapes either, it was mainly doing trades with other like minded individuals that were also creating their own home music/sounds/noise.  My first goal was to actually get other artists on my label and then promote them and see how far I could go with it. This was much harder than anticipated. There were also so many other people doing the same type of thing and like I said it ended up mainly being a tape trading circle. I did enjoy doing it and creating all the ads and flyers and so forth, we actually printed ads and would pass them around in the tape packages. You would get a package in the mail with your tapes in it and there would usually be a whole assortment of little flyers advertising other tapes. It was great fun just searching through all these little ads to see what kind of gem you would find to order next. I do miss this now that I think about it.

Fast Forward to Today. Many years later I have morphed the Mudball Records into a website. I lost touch with all the original artists that I had on there and most if not all have quit making music by now anyways. I mainly use the site now just for the experimental music that I make by myself and with friends. You will find links there to whatever I have out at this time. If you find any broken links let me know. Sometimes I sign up at a music site and put some tracks on there and then they decide to shut the site down. 

Visit the Link here if you want to check out some strange experimental music MudBall Records

About Mike Cosma


Internet Marketer and Experimental Musician. Anixas marketing Website and Mudball Records website. Computer Technician. Linux Enthusiast. Coffee Drinker.AKA Anixas - for experimental music (see video)