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"If you don’t have a dream that lifts your butt out of bed in the morning, then your problems will keep you awake at night."
- Tim Wood
In some ways, finding a dream or a vision should be easy. Your dream or your vision exists in just one place—inside of you. But if you have spent much of your life doing what you think you ought to be doing, or what you think your family expects you to do, then you might have to peel away some layers to find the dream of what you want to be doing.
So if you are struggling to find your “big why,” reflect on a few questions...
1) If you could be guaranteed that no one would judge you, what are your deepest desires, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally? If you were to accomplish this desire, how would it make you feel?
2) If you could write your own eulogy, what would you want people to say about you? (Again, think about physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of your life.)
3) Close your eyes and think about the time or times when you were the happiest. What were you doing? How did you feel?
4) Make a list of the things you can do with a seemingly endless amount of energy. How do you feel when you are doing them? What does it look like? Who else is involved?
5) If you could have the perfect day, what would happen? Who would be there? What would it feel like?
You can either make MONEY, or make EXCUSES, but you CAN'T MAKE BOTH.
So... Which will it be?
Make it a great day!
or better yet...A POWERFUL YEAR!
About Greg Sain

Need more leads and a continuous flow of traffic for your business? How about a never ending supply of 1000's of Hot New Fresh Opt-ins EVERY single day?! Just click on the following link to get instant access right now. ------------------------------------------ Greg Sain is a Grammy Award-winning Songwriter/Producer, an on-line business owner, as well as an off-line business owner. Greg is also a top earning online and offline marketing consultant. Greg knows first hand the ins and outs of what it takes to start and run a successful business. If you want to learn How to be Successful Online and Become a Top 6 and 7-fgure Earner follow the information Greg shares with you and you will start getting "RESULTS!"