Leased Ad Space
I decide to write this leased ad space review here on my LAS blogging platform to kind of test the platform out.
By the end of the review you will have a firm foundation for your decision to join LAS. You do not need to buy traffic over and over again.
I'm going to share my experience and results with LAS and what other members say about LAS. Leased ad space is a unique traffic and marketing platform that every marketers need.
In fact; a lot of the top marketers out there are using it right now. That's shows that the leased ad space is a traffic site that you want to consider when it comes to driving traffic to your offers.
It is one of the affordable traffic source out there you can start with and also the blogging platform is super awesome. If you are reading this then you are on one of my blog post.
I joined Leased Ad Space because of the traffic packages it offers. Everybody needs traffic to advertise their business online. In fact traffic is the lifeline of your business.
The biggest problem when its comes to driving paid traffic especially newbies or those that are on tight budget is having to pay over and over again.
LAS one of the cheapest and affordable traffic source that you'll ever need. You need traffic to be in profit.
So lets see the traffic features before sharing my experience and results with LAS.
- Text Ads
- Banner Ads
- Email Marketing/Solo ads
- A Public Profile Page
- A personal blog ( Just like this)
- Search Engine Traffic, Through Our Classified Ad Directory (coming soon)
That is a lot. You can have text ads and lifetime sending solo ads for dirty cheap price. Check out what will cost you and what you will get.
The biggest advantage of LAS is onetime purchases. One of the biggest set back in buying traffic is that you have to buy traffic over and over again and for many it is not the option. LAS solves all of that.
Recently, i sent out a solo and voila! it still amazes me. Have been receiving clicks and human eyeballs to more offers every time i send out a solo ad and also to my text ads and banner ads.
Here are some of my campaigns and how they have been doing. Going back to where it all begins.
Text Ads
The text adds are great because they are getting clicks. 100 Plus clicks.
Banner Ads
As you can see that my banner add campaigns are also getting clicks. Over 200 clicks overall.
Solo Ads
Solo ad feature is awesome because you will see instant clicks on your campaigns. Below is solo ad campaigns i sent out and how many clicks i got.
This traffic has been proven to have positive results. I have been having optins and sale too! It depends very much on how well your offers convert.
Here is a snap shot my autoresponder campaign 6 subscribers. A hopping 12% conversion.
Here is a proof of me getting sign ups. You can too!
Moula Yay!!
Yes here is my proof of first sale
Think of the possibilities of traffic that can turn into sales for you. Leased ad space has proven to be one of the best traffic source out there in the internet marketing space today.
It is very important that you track your campaigns. Check if the traffic is real and not fake traffic. You can use a tracker to track the details of your campaigns.
I personally use a free tracker which most of the online marketers don't know it exist. This tracker does not only track your campaigns but also tells you if they are real human eyeballs.
Here is a snap shot of one of my campaigns i track in leased ad space.
You can access the tracker by signing up here for free. You can also track your conversion and if you have an onetime offer you can also do that as well. Very important to track your campaigns in leased ad space or for all of your campaigns.
So lets see what others are saying about LAS.
One of our Facebook group members said the traffic is even better.
While the other said 100% commissions makes him smile
And making sales too! as you can see from another member below.
So here is my final words about leased ad space advertising platform. It is worth considering joining LAS. The traffic is good and you can make 100% commissions promoting it too.
You can start as low as $7 onetime payment and can send solo ads every 28 days and access to your blogging platform for life. You can upgrade anytime and can send solo ads up to every 48 hours without having to pay again. How cool is that.
I give LAS 5/5***** rating. To join leased space click the link below to get instant access.
>>Click Here TO Sign Up To LAS For Free<<
To your success
Gillanie Simbe
About Gillanie Gila Simbe

I'm a father of a beautiful little daughter. Discovered making money online and enjoy sharing it with friends and others.