Leased Ad Space
If you had only U$ 500 to start
If you had zero interest in marketing
If you wanted to invest and forget
Below are some useful examples
Some of these contracts are SOLD OUT
But we will soon have them available
If at all interested, the time to get your FREE
account opened, verified and funded is NOW!
DashCoin 2 Year Mining Contract
U$ 500 buys 100 MH/s
Current profit U$ 914 in year 1
ZCash 2 Year Mining Contract
U$ 500 buys 70 H/s
Current profit U$ 288 in year 1
LiteCoin 2 Year Mining Contract
U$ 500 buys 38 MH/s
Current profit U$ 1161 in year 1
Ethereum 2 Year Mining Contract
U$ 500 buys 16.5 MH/s
Current profit U$ 1065 in year 1
Bitcoin Open-ended Contract
U$ 500 buys 3330 GH/s
Current difficulty result = U$ 562 in year 1
These result are not typical,compounding of profits hasn't been included
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About Eddy Desal

Working fulltime but building an online business to change my life and that of others through my experience. Learning from my mistakes and those of others,believe me even the experienced marketers make them! I am working together with anyone willing to learn and ready to chnage their lives;in a big or small way!