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CTFO CBD oil products are made from a “hybrid” of BOTH whole plant CBD-rich hemp oil and CBD isolate extract. This gives you the BEST of both worlds – purity first, followed by excellent efficacy.
If you’ve been doing some research into CBD oils and tinctures, then you’ve doubtless heard terms like “whole-plant” or “whole spectrum” oil, and also “CBD isolate” extract in various forms.
Scientists and physicians are regularly learning more about the potential natural benefit properties of cannabidiol (CBD), a natural compound extracted from the common hemp plant. The non-psychoactive cannabinoid has shown that it offers patients and wellness enthusiasts an opportunity to promote balance in their systems without having to deal with the euphoric side effects of other cannabinoid products.
The increasing demand for CBD has led to new types of products, giving patients a wider array of options. Today, patients have the opportunity to choose from CBD isolate and full-spectrum whole plant CBD hemp oil products.
So, What is CBD Isolate?
CBD isolate is all-natural cannabidiol in its purest form. The CBD compounds found in hemp oil are isolated and then refined down to an incredible purity to eliminate oils, plant material, waxes, chlorophyll, and more. Relatively new to the CBD market, CBD isolate is typically offered in a fine white powder containing 99% pure cannabidiol.
For those needing more specific CBD doses, isolate gives patients complete control of exactly how much CBD goes into each serving. Because CBD isolate is over 99% pure, each milligram of CBD isolate represents a milligram of active CBD. Typically, Isolate allows you to administer LESS product than whole plant, or “full spectrum” product.
And what is Whole Plant Hemp Oil?
Whole plant hemp oil is extracted from the stalks and seeds of uniquely potent hemp plants. It is commonly described as full spectrum, which means the molecules of the “whole plant’ remain intact. CBD hemp oil contains CBD compounds, as well as all the fatty acids, waxes, chlorophyll, essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other materials that are extracted from the hemp plant. It also contains the more than 100 other cannabinoids present in hemp, some of which include cannabinol (CBN), cannabicyclol (CBL), tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) and cannabichromevarinic acid (CBCVA).
CBD is certainly the star of the show, but the hemp plant contains a host of other compounds that all work together with the Endocannabinoid System to affect processes like sleep, digestion, hormone regulation, inflammation and cognition.
This is why our CTFO CBD oil products are made from a “hybrid” of BOTH whole plant CBD-rich hemp oil and CBD isolate extract. This gives you the BEST of both worlds – purity first, followed by excellent efficacy.
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About Philip Harman

Thank you for taking the time to look at my LeasedAdSpace ‘public profile’ page. Leased Ad Space About Me: Philip Harman Colorado Entrepreneur, I love family, friends and the great outdoors, Been working Online since 1997. My name is Philip Harman. I am 62 years old. My lovely wife Lisa still puts up with me and my online adventures. We have four wonderful children, seven grandchildren And oh yes our very hyperactive Siberian Husky whose name is Browser, that loves to play. I was born in Gettysburg Pennsylvania and now live just minutes away from the Beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains. My Hobbies and Interests My hobbies and interests are Gold Prospecting, Fishing, Hiking Camping Hot Rods Stamp Collecting, Internet Technology and Exploring the great outdoors. Philip Harman is Also KulaBrands Influencer We help launch new products, and companies, into the market. In return, we get paid royalties for the life of each product/project. Thank For Visiting MY Leased Ad Space Blog Be sure Join Leased Ad Space it Rocks. Please Checkout My Personal Bio