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As the term suggests, top developers are known for their skills in software development. But in reality, it is the opposite. Being excellent at writing code is not enough today. You need to have certain other skills to be counted among top developers. Such secondary skills or ‘soft skills’, have become extremely important, especially lately. A recent study about job posts showed that even for some highly technical jobs, almost 25 per cent of the required skills were not development or technical skills, but soft skills. Developing your soft skills will not only make you stand out but will also make you future-proof in this highly dynamic industry.
What Are Soft Skills For A Software Developer?
In simple words, soft skills enable you to communicate and interact with other people in a meaningful and efficient way. They primarily include things like communication, adaptability, open-mindedness and more.
1. Communication Skills
Communication is the most common and crucial soft skill for a developer. It is a must-have for top developers. Keep in mind that communication is the first skill that a recruiter gets to see in a candidate. If you cannot communicate well enough, your development skills will not land you a job. When you have to speak, do it with clarity and confidence. Your conviction should be enough to prove your word. It is necessary to be able to communicate effectively and deliver your message without ambiguity.
To establish good communication, you also need to be a good listener. Listening to your colleagues, stockholders, or users can make a lot of difference. By properly listening to your users you can get a better sense of their requirement and as a result, you can end up developing a better product than others without this skill. After all, a product is only successful if the users are happy with it.
2. Coordination Skills
Development is teamwork, especially in the case of big projects. You need to be able to effectively collaborate and coordinate with your colleagues. Try to understand their characteristics to be able to successfully coordinate with them.
This is a skill that is often overlooked. But top developers try their best to understand their users and colleagues. Certain things cannot be understood through communication, you need to be able to see things with their eyes, i.e. practice empathy. You do not need to be a researcher or a UX person to do that.
3. Adaptability
A few years ago, waterfall software engineering model was ruling the industry. Later came the more agile and lean approach. This means that software developers had to change their mindsets and adapt to the change. Top developers have always been successful with change management. It is what keeps them on top of their game. Whereas medicore developers struggle and try to stay in the same position until there is dire need to change. This approach deprives them of many opportunities despite their skills.
This is the same reason tech recruiting specialist also prefer top developers: Because they show a strong willingness to learn. Embracing adaptably will also make you a better developer. This is how top developers discover their weaknesses and work to improve them.
4. Problem-solving Skills
Doubtlessly you’ve heard that top developers are expected to be top-notch problem solves. As this field was established to solve problems, developers must sharpen their problem-solving skills. They must try to solve different problems, come up with better and efficient solutions. Think creatively and try to come up with unique ways to tackle a problem.