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Helvetica Health Care
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Location - Helvetica Health Care Sàrl, 1211 Geneva 5 AP, 1158 Genève, Switzerland
Join Date - 2024-06-06
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About Me
Helvetica Health Care, situated in Geneva, Switzerland, is a global health care organisation located in the renowned Swiss BioValley. Our dedication to quality can be seen in our product offerings, which include monoclonal antibodies, polyclonal antibodies, blood plasma serum, and more. We supports a culture of scientific research and development and NGOs such as the World Health Organisation. We are committed to streamlining operations and conducting business efficiently. We focus on molecular testing, including SARS-CoV-2 testing, nucleic acid testing, and oxidative stress assays, as we specialise in research goods and diagnostics. We offer western blot proteins, seroconversion panels, biofire filmarray, and health care logistics.
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