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DLB's have proven to me to be very effective.
They lead you to more knowledge and open up resources which will help you to get the referrals you want. What I mean is paying referrals, not just free opportunity seekers. ALL owners of the introduced Downlinebuilders, take care of your business.
Once you have filled your ID's into the Downlinebuilder, you only need to promote! The owners will then help you to make your downlines fill the DLB as you did. You do not even have to contact them by yourself. It will all be done for you.
For each category of programs you have signed up for, there is a specialized downline builder available.
Did you know that 3 out of 10 top referrers using TAP sources?
Most professional online Marketers make use of TAP even if they just want to see, which sources are actually working better than average and will upgrade in those, where they haven't yet. TAP is 100% FREE no charges!
Check out my Favorite Program 1 - it is my BEST!
Safelists and Mailers!
About Helga Walker

Hi, I have been working in several marketing program off and on for about 10 years. My favorite and most successful programs are DownlineBuilders. But not all DLB's have proven to me to be very effective except one that is testing many programs on a regular basis. These results are shown on their website and updated frequently.