Work The SYSTEM!!!

Published by Colin Heyns — 08-10-2019 01:08:58 PM

What I am doing, is using  Lightning and promoting MyLeadGenSecret. This way you promote both PRODUCTS. 

You will get getting LEADS from Lead Lightning and MyLeadGenSecret. You use Lead Lightning as the Marketing System

and getting Leads. The Leads from MyLeadGenSecret you can then promote Lead Lightning to them. You get FREE LEADS


About Colin Heyns


Hi, I am Colin Heyns and I am currently promoting an awesome system called Lead Lightning and Global Domain Internationa (GDI)l. Lead Lightning generates leads for you plus you have an AutoResponder. GDI, you get your own domain and hosting for only $10 pm. So you can create your own website. It also has wonderful tools to use to create your site