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Setting Goals In Manageable Bits
Sometimes when you sit down to take stock of what your business goals are you can get totally overwhelmed at how much there is to do. You're building a business and it's a big responsibility. You may have goals you want to reach, but when you go to chase after them, it's difficult getting going because it is just too BIG.
What's the secret to getting there from here? Properly setting goals in manageable bits. Those manageable bits will get you to the big goal when you are done. And will also provide you with an enormous sense of personal and professional achievement. Here's something else to think about – those small goals achieved let us get more done with FOCUS!
Your goals will fall into three areas: short term, long term and medium term. Typically the short-term goals are daily, the long term perhaps 3 – 5 years, and the medium term would be yearly. The dailies can be simple, like call two new prospects today. The medium monthly kind of goal could be sign up 5 new team members.
With your goals in mind, you will get started in a positive frame of mind, and write them down. There is nothing like seeing them in writing to mobilize you.
You will quantify your goals – meaning measure them by setting dates, times and details.
Why? This is so you can measure your achievements.
Goals also need priorities, the most important to the least. Lets you get a handle on things needing to be done without feeling to overwhelmed.
One thing to also remember is to keep your goals realistic and make your short- term goals something you can achieve. Then you start building in increments – short-term goals build to medium goals build to long term.
Much like a map – and it IS a map, a map of your business.
Bruno Duarte
The "Email Tycoon" report reveals powerful information on building and monetizing mailing lists, so you can start making money with high quality affiliate products, direct broadcasts and more!
About Bruno Duarte

My name is Bruno Duarte and I live in Norway. I love online marketing and I truly enjoy helping others to build a successful online business.