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Everyone knows you need to recruit for your downline
Published by Bruno Duarte — 02-20-2017 05:02:50 PM
Everyone knows you need to recruit for your downline
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The Tools To Start Marketing
As an affiliate marketer you really need to know what you’re doing, where you’re going, what to expect, how to handle and how to find and enroll prospects. Wow, sounds like a huge task right? It’s not if you have and use the right tools, the right training and take action daily.
What tools do you need? Instant messengers – doesn’t matter which one or two you choose – just make sure they're a major part of your marketing strategy.
Email is critical. A well-written e-mail can work wonders in person-to-person prospecting. Use phone marketing even if you don’t fancy it all that much. One quick call a team member inviting them to a training session says lots about your commitment and leadership qualities.
So long as you use relationship marketing properly, it will guarantee you enroll loyal team members, and keep them. They will then duplicate your efforts.
Article marketing is smart marketing. YOU provide articles you've written to other Web sites, blogs and eZines for free. This sets you up as an expert, gives you leads, increased site traffic to your web site(if you don't have one of your own, chances are the company you are an affiliate for will have one) and improved search engine rankings.
Blogging and SEO (search engine optimization) are two other tools. Blogging provides an arena to combine text, images, links to other blogs, and web pages. About what? About your business, product/service. You can post updates on what you are doing, what new additions there have been to your product/services, any specials/sales and even product photos.
SEO here means understanding what human visitors might search for, and to help match those visitors with sites offering what they want to find. To use any of these marketing tools successfully, it’s important to work with the right people. People who can help you build your business, and that means recruiting.
Everyone knows you need to recruit for your downline, to make your online business a success, to ensure a good income.
The term good, qualified, or partner wasn’t mentioned. That's because the prevailing "recruit anything with a pulse" philosophy only fulfills the need for warm bodies. Bad move for your online business success. Why?
If you don’t take time to properly qualify your prospects, you can expect:
a) that they perform badly
b) drop out quickly
c) don't perform at all or
d) cost you business by giving you a bad name and reputation.
Spending time qualifying the people you are going to work with is worth its weight in gold. It takes some extra time, but you can’t afford NOT to do this.
If your business relies on cold calls, referrals, instant messenger communications, and emails, etc.... you will know the importance of properly qualifying prospects.
You learn about your prospect and their needs through your interactions with them and determine how your product can meet their needs.
Yours in success,
Bruno Duartei
About Bruno Duarte

My name is Bruno Duarte and I live in Norway. I love online marketing and I truly enjoy helping others to build a successful online business.