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What To Do With Your List
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What To Do With Your List
So, getting started here, what do we want to turn your list into?
Well, everything really. Your lists are there for one thing, and one thing only, and that's to act as your own media outlet, and increase your other four resources. (something that many business miss). Turning your list into customers and long- term customers is quite straight forward. You'll be sending them announcements relating to your new products and services. It's as they should be used, and most often are.
Two more extremely profitable things that your list can do that people rarely ever seem to catch hold of (even more profitable than making direct sales) is build your affiliate base and on top of that build your joint venture base.
First up the affiliate building. Remember we talked previously about promotion to build resources instead of make the profits? Well this works in exactly the same way.(In case you been following my posts...)
The reason we don't see it too often, aside from the people that have been told about it, or sussed it out already, is who in their right mind would promote, and in fact spend the two most important things (their money and their time) on promotion when they're not going to make any cash out of it directly.
The sooner that you, as an business-person, online or offline can see how important it is to look beyond immediate profits from ad campaigns, the sooner you will start to make some real money.
I guess it's overlooked by so many simply because in today’s age of the internet, everyone wants something right now, they don't want to wait. The longer it takes to carry out, the more they overlook it as something that won't be an immediate fix for their situation.
Patience is a virtue, so keep going and keep it consistent :)
Yours in success
Bruno Duarte
About Bruno Duarte

My name is Bruno Duarte and I live in Norway. I love online marketing and I truly enjoy helping others to build a successful online business.