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Why Own A List?
The first question people ask is why bother having a list.
You will be surprised the number of marketers who either dont bother building a list or never market to their list. It is a worryingly high figure.
Your list is a very valuable resource and there are many marketers who make more money from a single email to their lists than they do from all their product sales.
This is why a list is so valuable.
With a responsive list it is not unknown for people to earn tens of thousands of dollars from a single email.
Effectively, it puts money on tap, with you being able to earn almost whenever you want just by sending an email.
It is an incredible resource to have because it gives you a degree of flexibility that marketers without lists dont have.
It means that when you release a new product, you have a list of buyers ready and waiting to buy it; no waiting around for organic search engine rankings or finding JV partners straight off.
It means that if a new product is released you can sell it as an affiliate to your list and you can earn from it almost immediately.
You need to be building a list in every niche you work in, as the list is where the money is and often repeated mantra.
When you are marketing to your list you only send them related information. You wouldnt send a group of Internet Marketers offers and information on parrot keeping. When you start sending them information that they are not interested in you will see the unsubscribe rate jump up.
One of the biggest benefits of having a list is that you can test the market for products and services.
You can email your list and gauge their responsiveness to your offer, which will help you understand what the market will do.
A list is a great place to carry out surveys to understand what the market wants and to get feedback and testimonials on your products.
All of this is only possible if you have built a relationship with your list based on trust. We will discuss how you do this later on, but when you have done this, you will find that your list becomes an even more valuable resource.
Getting testimonials is often the hardest thing for marketers to do, and with a responsive list you can get that feedback almost immediately. Plus, you can ask them questions so that you understand what the market wants and create products that precisely meet their needs.
A list is a vital component of Internet Marketing that far too many people ignore as they feel it is too much trouble. Your list is where you will earn the majority of your money from and so you need to make sure everything you do online is focused around list building.
As you build a bigger list so you can start running ad swaps with other marketers and build your list further. From this you can run bigger and bigger ad swaps until your list is substantial and earning you a lot of money.
With the information in this program, you will be able to work closely with your list, build a great relationship with them and enjoy an additional stream of income to your business.
Building a business online doesnt get any simple than this :)
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.
Bruno Duarte
About Bruno Duarte

My name is Bruno Duarte and I live in Norway. I love online marketing and I truly enjoy helping others to build a successful online business.