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Hopewana Smith
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Facebook - hopewana.smith.5
Location - Hyannis
Join Date - 2018-03-10
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About Me
OMG!!! This is me, last weekend as I was sitting at a marketing workshop in Austin, TX. I had a chance to reflect on the changes that have taken place in my business in a very short time.
I was introduced to the homebased business industry in 2005 at the ripe old age of 21 yrs old. At the time, I was an overworked Maternal Child Nurse working 60+ hours a week on top of being a fulltime student.
I was stressed to the MAX.
I had little to no time to enjoy my LIFE.
I missed a lot of FAMILY functions
So… I jumped onboard no questions asked!
I launched my business and hit up all my family, friends, and anyone else that would listen unfortunately no ONE wanted to join my team.
I struggled for 12 YEARS!!!
I tried home parties, giving away samples, and even renting booths at different health and wellness events.
I spent an excess of $10,000+ and never received a return on investment.
So… I threw in the towel and QUIT! I told myself, “Maybe Network Marketing wasn’t for me.”
In 2016, I began to dabble again in the industry but this time it was different for me. I started working with a mentor who introduced me to attraction marketing.
I learned that…
I DID NOT have to do home parties
I DID NOT have to spam my life away
I DID Not have to be in the no family and friends league any longer.
Now people come to me!!
It has truly changed my business.
I no longer work 60+ hours a week
I no longer stress over money
I actually get to enjoy my LIFE! So if Your Ready To Look Ask Me About Any Shoe You Like or Love!!!! Thank You.
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