

Cynthia Young

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Skype - Cynthia E. Young

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Location - Illinois

Join Date - 2016-10-01

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About Me

Hello, my name is Cynthia Young, married for 44.5 years, 4 children, 8 grandchildren, and 1 great-grand.

My profession sales for the most, I worked the banking industries selling rates and terms (mortgages). I had a super great lifestyle during that time however, things changed during 2000-2001.

I opened a mortgage company (using my retirement money). The first few years was nerve racking, but afterwards, the business became profitable. I was there for over five years, and during September of 2007, the industry done a 360. I couldn't close any loans, as many of the banks plummet.

I lost my retirement funds, I got to a point that I couldn't pay my mortgage, my gas was turned off, and every bill I had went south. I couldn’t find work for over 18 months! My home went into pre-foreclosure, I filed for Chapter 13 in, order to hold onto my home.
But all this changed after I met 2 internet Guru online giving classes - these classes were free, as they still are. They guide us in the areas of:

• Affiliate marketing,
• Traffic generation strategies
• eCommerce &
• How to sell products while sleeping.

After learning and testing multiple tips and strategies,
I utilized a unique system which leverages on the teachings of successful internet marketing.

They also train in the areas of:
• Have multiple streams of income
• Earn money with the very product we use online.
• Enjoy time freedom to spend time with the people I love and
• Financial freedom to live the life I truly deserve

The good news is: You too can achieve those goals!
This is designed for prospective and existing internet marketers struggling to earn money online,

My unique guide is just what you need to get started online.
Take action today, by clicking the link below to get access?

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