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LAS Blogs: Kris Baringer
About Kris Baringer

Just your average Kris, not Joe. Tired of working for others for a living so I started several successful online businesses to keep me from going to work and giving me the free time to enjoy life. At a bit older than most 52, lol I just had another beautiful baby girl :) Spending as much time as I want with her has been a joy and a blessing, after raising my first 3 children while working all the time for someone else I pretty much missed most of there growing up. At least I finally have the free time to not miss any of this awesome girl :) I am willing to help anyone who desires to work from home, become free from debt and spend more time with there family and enjoy there lives. Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions about online business, home based business, internet marketing in general. Any knowledge I have I am more than willing to give you an honest answer and not some BS. One thing I found true about working from home is this, ( If you want to be successful then you need to stop focusing on making money for yourself. Sounds nuts right, Help others become successful who look to you for the help and your success will happen all by itself ) Simple!
Who Really Owns The Federal Reserve?
Published on 03-06-2017 07:03:47 AM by Kris Baringer
This was a subject a good friend of mine Mike brought up and actually put the answer in a great educational series of video's.
Send me an email and I'll shoot you the series, you'll love it, and it will open your eyes for sure.
... (continue reading →)If you worked at home, you’d be at the office already
Published on 03-05-2017 06:03:57 AM by Kris Baringer
Right now, thousands of people are making money online. They’re waking up when they want, logging into their business accounts, sending marketing messages, posting ads, and checking their bank accounts for the latest deposit.
And then, they are smiling into their coffee cups and
... (continue reading →)Bait and switch offers in internet marketing…
Published on 03-03-2017 09:03:39 PM by Kris Baringer
By far, the number one complaint I hear from people online is they get pummeled with different make-money-online
offers which promise the world for free… only to be disappointed when they ask for payment at the end.
I saw one of these myself the other day. It said, ‘no credit
... (continue reading →)The Secret To Time, Money, and Location Freedom
Published on 03-01-2017 10:03:39 PM by Kris Baringer
When we were growing up, our parents and teachers told us that if we wanted to be successful, we had to work hard and never cut corners.
They lied to us.
Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of people who work really hard and are still really poor?
... (continue reading →)