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This groundbreaking app solves the problem with autoplay youtube videos
Published by Ivs Prasad — 09-22-2018 10:09:13 PM
The new generation video player was released and it is completely mind blowing!
It gives you the ability to “control” you viewers for profits!
Explaindio Player displays and maximizes the potential of your videos by giving you the ultimate control over your viewers.
And that control can help you close more deals, get more clients, get more leads, and ultimately, make you more money.
I’m talking about control of being able to set the exact size, height, and width for your mobile or desktop viewers.
Or setting features like start at a certain time..
Optional control settings.
Or smart autoplay, which can autoplay your video without the viewer missing any part of the video’s audio.
Or even control the exact time to display any HTML text including a big buy button below the video after a certain time…
Business settings such as social sharing, Facebook pixels, custom preview options and more..
Watch the demo now
About Ivs Prasad

Digital Marketer and Domain Name investor, Oil and Gas Cathodic Protection specialist with thirty years of experience. Grown with Internet from 1995, got trained by world class Digital Marketing Gurus, Aquired wonderful knowledge of Internet Marketing and Online Ad space and sole Individual promoter of NotCom Domains, that are going to rule the future of Internet. WE have hundreds of Premium NotCom domains, worth a million dollar market value.