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GDPR Goes Into Effect MAY 25th, Is Your Website GDPR Compliant? Use this WP PLUGIN
Published by Ivs Prasad — 05-13-2018 12:05:49 PM
This WordPress Plugin Will Make Your Business GDPR Compliant With Few Clicks.
GDPR ( General Data Protection Regulation) is an European consumer data privacy policy regulation that goes into effect on May 25th 2018.
GDPR not only affects businesses in European countries but also Every country that stores EU consumer data, visitor cookies etc.
Simply, It Affects EVERYONE.
Penalties For Violations are HEFTY. Being In Compliance with GDPR would normally cost you $4-5k If you hired a Consultant. On top, If you are not compliant, Your autoresponder company ( Aweber, Constant Contact, MailChimp, InboxSumo etc ) could ban you as well.
Uber GDPR WordPress Plugin Makes You GDPR Compliant With Few Clicks.
Cookie Consent Box
Informs visitors & gets their permission for cookie consent automatically.
Terms & Conditions Acceptance
Allows visitors to accept your terms and conditions, a terms and condition sample is provided if you don't have one.
Privacy Policy Acceptance
Allows visitors to accept your privacy policy & we provide a privacy policy sample if you don't have one already.
Right To Be ForgottenLets customers/visitors to request data removal. Notification and automatic data remove with 1 click.
Customer Data Access
Allows customers/visitors to request access to data that you have about them.
Data Rectification
Allows customers/visitors to submit data changes request & allows notifications for both parties.
Enhances privacy by replacing most identifying fields within a data record by one or more artificial identifiers, or pseudonyms.
Automatic Compliant Uber GDPR works with your eCommerce, Email Marketing, Google Analytics, Data Collections automatically.
Penalties upto $20 Million or 4% of Last Year Turnover
Loss of Reputation, thus whole business will get effected.
Years of hardwork, Dreams are at stake, along with the fate of all stake holders of your online business.
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About Ivs Prasad

Digital Marketer and Domain Name investor, Oil and Gas Cathodic Protection specialist with thirty years of experience. Grown with Internet from 1995, got trained by world class Digital Marketing Gurus, Aquired wonderful knowledge of Internet Marketing and Online Ad space and sole Individual promoter of NotCom Domains, that are going to rule the future of Internet. WE have hundreds of Premium NotCom domains, worth a million dollar market value.