Leased Ad Space
OK....I'm gonna start with a confession...we're 12 days into the new year and this is my first blog post of the year
I know...shocking right?
I'm not one to make excuses, bottom line is i've been throwing myself into a lot of stuff and just didn't get round to it....there you go I hold my hands up...full accountability on my part.
But it's not all bad...because what i've been up to has been worth it, in fact if it wasn't, I probably STILL wouldn't be posting today, but I needed to share this with you...
Want to take a look? Go Ahead
You joined Leased Ad Space, like I did, to get more eyes on your offers, and the fact it can double up as an additional income stream was pretty sweet too right?
But...i'm wondering, how many of you are actually getting an income from it? How many of you are still on the $7 level? with no downline to speak of, or maybe just the one or two?
Maybe you joined and didn't do anything more simply because you got stuck, had questions and nobody to answer them?
How about we change all that? Who'd like to be able to get all the way up to that Red Diamond level? and those SWEEEEEEET $147 commissions
That's where i'm heading! Who's with me?
For Proof, Progress and Results from real people just like me and you...head over to our Facebook group
Anyway...must dash...but i'll see you tomorrow right? cool!
Remember guys (and girls obviously ;)..... dont be active!
About Dean Jaggs

Still trying to help people escape the rat race, when i'm not doing that i'm being a fiance to my partner Becky, and a dad to my son Riley and Becky's son Alfie, who is from a previous relationship. I get a buzz from helping complete newbies to earn their first online income.