Boost immune System to prevent cold and flu

Published by James Yee — 05-10-2019 04:05:22 AM

Adult Wellness is the essential oil of choice for adults and children over the age of 10 for daily preventative care.

ingredient highlights

• Eucalyptus Radiata: Primarily an essential oil for the respiratory system, it has good anti-catarrhal properties. It is a powerful expectorant and works well to thin mucus.

• Tea Tree: Unlike antibiotics, Tea Tree has been shown to not kill germs indiscriminately, but to identify and kill the destructive bacteria while leaving the friendly bacteria needed to stay healthy.

• Ravintsara: One of the most versatile and indispensable essential oils; there is little it can’t do. Potent, yet safe and gentle. The chemical composition of Ravintsara is simple, and without any specific compound that makes its smell.

Adult Wellness should be your first choice when you notice the first indications of a cold or flu. It is also effective for those recurring and chronic infectious conditions.


#hbd #hbnaturals #whyhbd #AdultWellness #nocold #noflu #cold #flu #immuneboosting #chronicinfectiousconditions #thinmucus #killgerms #health #healthy




Sharon Bockover

January 24

Hi everyone! I have a lady interested in the Adult wellness, she has MS and her doctors insist she get a flu shot every year. The last 2 years she has gotten pneumonia. Do you think this would work in place of the flu shot? My husband didn't get a flu shot this year and using the Adult wellness and hasn't caught anything yet. We love it.

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Rachel Kelders

December 24, 2018

Been using Adult Wellness on the bottoms of my feet to protect myself from all the germs flying around this time of year and I have to say I think it’s working! Plus I love the smell and feel like it puts a spring in my step! Definitely a staple and now I look forward to putting my shoes and socks on every morning because that’s when I use it ❤️

Paula Scarcella

Admin · August 17, 2018 ·


It is that time of year again! Children are going back to school, but what can you do to boost the immune system in elementary age kids?

NOURISH is great for immune boosting! You can also use some of our essential oils in addition to support the immune system. Kids Wellness, on the feet. Diffuse protector to help kill airborne germs! You can use Adult Wellness (for parents, grandparents or teachers) as well!

Kimberly Wilkins

Admin · December 24, 2018

Lavender Ice is one of my favorite HBN products. I’ve had a few headaches this week (holiday fun, stress, rush). I put a little lavender ice on my forehead, temples and in the base of my neck and the tension and headaches are gone. I love ? this all natural essential oil blend. It works. Even my kids use it. A must in my house ???❤️

Steven Reed to Heart & Body Naturals Testimonials and Information

April 1 at 8:10 AM ·

I have a family member who is always getting sick very easily. I am having Nourish drop shipped to them. Any other ideas?



Wendy Gardiner Adult Wellness, I use it every night on my feet, really cuts down on the colds I get (and I used to get A Lot!) Wouldn't be without it!

Rachel Kelders to Heart & Body Naturals Testimonials and Information

February 20 at 3:17 AM ·

The flu is no match for Silver be Safe and Tri-Remedy! It only started yesterday and my symptoms have been very mild. Already feel miles better today. I have been taking small doses of Silver periodica...




Jen Champken 100% yes!! I love the Silver be safe the tri remedy and the adult wellness too :)

Beverly Ridgwell to Heart & Body Naturals Testimonials and Information

December 11, 2018 at 9:30 PM ·

Has anyone used the “kids wellness” EO Blend. Would like a testimony for a customer ty



Fay Jones I use the adult wellness and love it . I have been using it almost every morning to ward off all the sickness going around

Sharon Bockover to Heart & Body Naturals Testimonials and Information

May 3 at 10:31 PM ·

I have a lady looking for something for her husband's chronic lyme disease. She said they have tried essential oils and CBD oil from another company, but nothing really helps. Does anyone have any sugg...



Judy L. Morris Hoffman Hemp Herbals 1000, Entourage, Adult Wellness, SilverbeSafe and Magnesium beCalm.

Cassie Bird-Harris to Heart & Body Naturals Testimonials and Information

January 24 at 8:58 PM ·

What is the best thing for really bad sinusitis tia



Jen Champken breather, lavender ice and adult wellness is great to help combat that :)

Cheryl Roper-Hill to Heart & Body Naturals Testimonials and Information

April 13 at 7:43 PM ·

Any suggestions on products that have helped you with allergies. I'm so sick and tired of sniffling, coughing and itchy red eyes. Ugh. Thank you



Dianne Salek Smith Although I haven't tried any of these yet there is Adult Wellness, Breath and Protector that someone who has used these could tell you if any of these is right for your symptoms.

Kristyn Kellar-Schneiders to Heart & Body Naturals Testimonials and Information

December 20, 2018 at 7:58 PM ·

Has anyone tried Silver be safe for kids that are starting to get sick ? Cold/cough symptoms or as I call it the seasonal crud lol .



Sharon Bockover Have you tried the kids wellness? We have have used theAdult wellness for a couple months. No colds.

About James Yee


Online Marketer working with a team of top marketers and sharing techniques on How To Make Money Online