Getting Your Warm Market To Join Your Network Marketing Business

Published by Jaye Carden — 03-05-2017 04:03:56 PM

If you have been involved in network marketing for any period of time, then you know it is important to speak to your warm market. This is usually where uplines tell you to begin. However, you learn quickly that getting your warm market to join your network marketing business is no simple task. This is why I want to share the tips I used that helped me get my warm market to join my network marketing business.

Why Warm Market Is Mean

If you wonder why your warm market is so tough to get through to, then understand something that can help you to turn it around. They already know you, and they know your past as well. This means they ave seen you fail before, they may even have seen you join things before only to quit shortly after. Your network marketing warm market has the least amount of faith in you because they know too much about you. This will explain more on why cold market helps, just continue reading.

Who Needs Them?

Just keep in mind as you are prospecting your network marketing warm market, that the results may not go in the way you hoped for. This is okay, and as a matter of fact, you don't need your warm market to be successful in network marketing. Most top earners do not have any warm market actively building, but instead people they met because of the opportunity. So never be addicted to the outcome regardless of how it goes.

Know How To Be A Master Sponsor

If you know how to invite your warm market to presentations the right way, you will see a difference in the results of those who do not. Those who do not know how to invite properly, will have mostly warm market that doesn't even show up for the presentation or are told "No" before they even see it.

Those in network marketing who know how to invite the right way, will see more network marketing warm market prospects showing up to see the presentation. This is because they have managed to be fast, leave curiosity with their warm market, and leave the "trust factor" in the hands of someone who is already successful. This is why you must learn to invite and sponsor like a pro, or you may never see any signups at all.

You can learn more on how to invite prospects in both cold and warm market by visiting the link in the P.S line at the very bottom. You will find a special training video on my official website and latest blog post that will take you to the video where you learn to master like a pro.

Don't Be That Person

If there is one thing to know in prospecting warm marketing in network marketing, that one thing is to never bug or bother people who have said "no".

Doing this leads to people avoiding you. So you want to only tell them once, and let it be. If they have seen the presentation, there is a more likely chance of them signing up. If they have not seen the presentation, it doesn't mean they will never join. 

What you want to do, is let them ask you when they are ready to be curious. When they do ask, never give any type of negative remark. This never helps, and is what they expect. Instead, give a positive answer. It can be any type of success you have had, or even success of someone you know in your upline or heard on a conference video or call. Just use something good, so they know you are still liking your business and there are people actually doing well in it.

Now I Have Worked Everyone I Know

Once you have burned through everyone you can think of, it's time to move to the next step. This step is really the best for getting warm market to signup, and I'll explain why.

Since your warm market already knows that you are in business, it is time to begin prospecting those you do not know. Your network marketing cold market does not know your past or failures, therefore you may find it more easy to work with. When I began prospecting cold market, people told me they believed I was already successful, simply by me calling them. Many people will assume you are once they hear you on the phone. This helps a lot, since it kills the "pre-judgement" of you from the start.

Once your network marketing warm market sees the success you are beginning to have, they will be more likely to join. For me, the case was me simply earning a few hundred dollars one week, and they began wanting in. Most people wait to see what you will do first, then want in if you begin having success. Let them.

(if you need cold market leads to work, simply refer to the link at the very bottom and visit my official website. There you will find links to get "Leads For Life" in the content and on the banner ads)

P.S Read Full Length Article "Getting Your Warm Market To Join Your Business" and pick up free gifts such as "20 Ways To Get Leads" pdf and private invites to mastermind weekly training webinars with top experts and top earners

About Jaye Carden


I am an online business owner in the network marketing, affiliate marketing, and internet marketing industries. I work with other business owners who want to achieve success online through blogging and content creation. I am also the host of the "IBO Advanced Marketing Strategies" webinar on Thursday nights.