Why You Should Never Trade Time For Money

Published by Jim Rawlings — 09-16-2022 04:09:07 PM

You’ve probably heard the saying, “time is money.”

But what does that really mean? And more importantly, is it true?

The answer is a resounding no. Time is not money. In fact, trading time for money is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in your business.

Here’s why:

When you trade time for money, you are effectively putting a cap on your earnings. You can only make as much money as you have time to work. If you want to make more money, you have to work more hours. This is the exact opposite of what you want to do in your business.

When you’re trading time for money, you are also trading your freedom. You are exchanging your time – which is a finite resource – for money. This means that you are effectively selling your time for money. And once you’ve sold your time, you can never get it back.

So if you want to build a successful online business, the last thing you want to do is trade.

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About Jim Rawlings


I have been Online Marketing now for over 10 years now. Struggling like everyone else. I can finally say I have finally have found a system that really works