The 5 Most Important Qualities of a Leader

Published by Jim Rawlings — 04-10-2017 12:04:11 AM

The 5 Most Important Qualities of a Leader

1.Leadership Philosophy - What is your philosophy? Is it all about you? Or is it about a cause bigger than you?

2. Have a Vision - What is your vision for your organization? What goals do you want to accomplish, and what are your reasons for doing this?

3. Share Your Vision - As a leader, you have to be able to articulate your vision.

4. Be Competent - It’s hard to be a good leader if you’re not competent. When you strengthen your own skills, become competent in the skills, it gives prospects the confidence to follow a leader who knows what they are doing.

5. Lead by Example - How can you expect people to trust and follow you if you’re not willing to do the same things you ask them to do?

About Jim Rawlings


I have been Online Marketing now for over 10 years now. Struggling like everyone else. I can finally say I have finally have found a system that really works