Blueprint for Problem Solving

Published by Jim Rawlings — 04-13-2017 10:04:46 PM

Over the years doing internet marketing, I’ve figured out a blueprint for problem solving. There are 8 steps:

1. Be Resourceful – It doesn’t matter what your background or situation is, you can find resources to help you.

2. Ask the Right Questions – Instead of asking why this has happened to you, ask questions that will lead you to a solution.

3. Build Relationships and Collect Friends – Bouncing ideas off other smart people and influencers is good for your life and business.

4. Find a Great Mentor – It is going to take you a lifetime to learn everything you need, so why wouldn’t you ask those who came before you?

5. Be Patient – Be prepared; it will take more time, more money, and more effort than you anticipated.

6. Pay Attention to the Advice of People You Respect and Trust – But don’t waste it on the opinions of others.

7. Think Outside of the Box – Step outside and observe the whole situation for there is a door that will lead you to a solution.

8. Take Action! – Start solving your problem.

Your ideas are worthless, unless you figure out how to implement them. Your goals are unachievable, unless you start taking steps to make them happen. Your problems are unsolvable, until you start solving them one by one.

Don’t ever let anyone convince you that there is a task too big for you, a mountain too high for you, or a goal that you cannot achieve. You have everything it takes to solve any problem that is thrown in your path!

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About Jim Rawlings


I have been Online Marketing now for over 10 years now. Struggling like everyone else. I can finally say I have finally have found a system that really works