Your Fear Controls Your Business

Published by Jim Rawlings — 04-17-2017 10:04:23 PM

I completely understand.  When I first started out in Internet Marketing, I was terrified.  I didn’t even have enough money to pay for the rent let alone to invest in a business. I approached my prospects with my shoulders hunched because I was just sure they were going to reject me.  I let my fear run the business.

Too many people in Internet Marketing let their fear control what they do—or rather don’t do—in their business.  You fear being rejected, and so you never pick up the phone to call your prospects or even email.  You fear not making money, and so you don’t do any of the necessary actions to actually make money.  And then you wonder why your business isn’t growing.

What Are You Afraid Of?

If you are afraid to call prospects on the phone, write out outlines or scripts and practice them.  Practice in the mirror or with a friend.  Get comfortable just saying the words out loud before you call up your prospects.  And if you stumble, that’s okay.  You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to call!  Force yourself to make two calls a day, then five, and work your way up.  The more you do it, the more comfortable and confident you will become.

If you are afraid you won’t succeed or make any money, keep working and invest in personal development so that you learn the skills.  I know for a fact that you won’t make any money if you don’t work.  So, keep putting in the time, keep getting in front of prospects, and keep learning.  Internet Marketing isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme.  You have to work hard, and it might take you awhile to really start earning that income you want.  But if you keep improving your skills and getting your name out there, Branding yourself,you will reach your goals.

Overcome Your Fears

I’m not saying you shouldn’t be afraid at all.  But you need to keep working in spite of the fear.  If your determination and dreams are bigger than your fears then you can do anything.  You can face every rejection that comes your way.  It just means those people weren’t ready.  You can work hard every single day until you finally reach your income goal.  It’s okay it took you three months longer than you expected.

You might always be a little afraid But if you keep working, keep believing, and keep growing, then those monsters won’t ever be able to stop you.

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About Jim Rawlings


I have been Online Marketing now for over 10 years now. Struggling like everyone else. I can finally say I have finally have found a system that really works