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The Future of Money is Bitcoin and it is Here NOW
Published by Jeanie Marshall — 01-12-2017 04:01:38 AM
I love Bitcoin!
When I first heard about Bitcoin, I had only mild curiosity. I knew it was digital currency that was transferred person-to-person on the Internet, and not much more.
As I learned more, I discovered other ways of talking about it. Bitcoin is created and held electronically. It is de-centralized, so no one controls it. Its value has steadily increased as compared to the US Dollar and other currencies.
Bitcoins aren’t printed, like dollars or euros or pounds. They're not even coins!
Bitcoins are "mined" but not with picks and shovels like precious metals or diamonds. Instead, Bitcoins are produced by people who run computers using software that solves mathematical problems.
All around the world, often in locations with naturally cool climates, Bitcoin mining operations house banks of computers that run 24/7. But the early Bitcoins were generated on solo computers or laptops.
Bitcoin was the first is the category of money known as "cryptocurrency" but it is no longer the only digital currency. Some of the secondary cryptocurrencies have failed, yet others are finding their place in the economy.
I personally believe Bitcoin is one of the most important solutions to the economic problems of the world. It's available worldwide, it's easy to store and transfer online, and it's not controlled by the banking system.
If you want to get started with Bitcoin, please visit my Get Started With Bitcoin Page.
In addition, I invite you to join with me at Giftobit. This is a Foundation that offers an outstanding educational package, with a Community of individuals who support Philanthropic Projects.
Yes, I love Bitcoin!
I am Jeanie Marshall.
About Jeanie Marshall

I am a Personal Development Consultant and Coach specializing in Multiple Streams of Income. I have been actively participating in the Internet since 1990. My primary intent is to help people to succeed at whatever they most want to do.