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There’s never a better time than the present. Too often, we wait for the perfect time to start losing weight, build a business, save money, or have children. Time is constantly passing, and there’s no time to wait!
There’s also never going to be a perfect time. You can start working out today! You don’t need to wait for Monday, or the first of the month, or the first of the year. There will never be a perfect time to start.
Instead of waiting for the perfect time, get started today and make the most of the present moment.
Taking action is often better than waiting. See why:
- There’s always a way. You can’t control time, but you can control how you use it. Rather than waiting, use your determination and ingenuity to find a way to make the present work for you. Take the opportunities you have and figure out how to bring them to fruition. You can always find a way.
- Progress is often slow, so get started as soon as possible. It can take a while to build momentum, so it only makes sense to begin building it immediately. Success can take time. How much time do you have? You really don’t know. One thing is for certain: the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll taste success.
- You learn more. The sooner you start doing something, the sooner your education begins. You learn nothing from waiting. The more you know, the easier it is to be successful and to enjoy your life.
- Ignore the excuses. You can always invent an excuse to justify postponing action. Most people do this on a daily basis. Do you want the same results as the average person? A year from now, you’ll still have plenty of excuses, but you won’t be any closer to your goal. Forget the excuses and take action.
- You’ll be pleased with yourself. Imagine you’re old and at the end of your life. Do you think you’ll regret the things you did, or the opportunities you failed to act upon? You’ll regret your inaction much more than the actions you took. No one wants to die full of regret.
Taking action right now is better than waiting for the perfect moment in the future. That time will never come. Take advantage of today and begin making progress and building momentum.
Begin taking action today with these strategies:
- Create a plan that you can begin executing immediately. Your plan should include actions that you can take either today or tomorrow at the latest.
- Consider the likely obstacles. What roadblocks are you likely to run into? What can you do to prepare for them? Do you have any solutions? What resources do you have available to you?
- Create a reward system. Obviously, you have some resistance to getting started, or you would’ve already gotten started. Encourage yourself to take action by promising yourself a small reward after accomplishing a task or two toward your goal.
- Be persistent. Make a habit of taking a small action each day. Small actions might seem like they accomplish little, but the effect is cumulative. Just keep going!
Life can only be lived in the present. Waiting for some unspecified, magical time in the future is a waste of your life. You can get started right here and now! There’s no time like the present to begin living your life fully. What are you waiting for?
By this time next year, you could either change your life significantly or still be stuck. Take control of your life, starting today. You’ll be glad you did.
My company is holding a free training webinar that you will find VERY interesting!
Specificaly we will be covering how to develop an income in 2019 by leveraging a new platform with:
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- and in some cases, without selling ANYTHING (really cool stuff!)
There is no cost to attend but seats are limited so I highly advise you RSVP to attend right away
This is a FREE training event and just for registering, you get access to the FREE system!
About Joe Jepsen

"You'd be surprised by what sort of risks you're willing to take when you have knowledge, experience, and trust at your back." -- Astronaut Chris Hadfield - I'm a Husband, Father, and Marketer. I build my own Computers and Websites.