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Jeremy Hines
Contact Info
Facebook - wealthy303
Twitter - wealthy303
Location - Colorado, US
Join Date - 2018-06-14
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About Me
I began my journey to ``make money online`` in 2014. At the time I was delivering mail for the U.S. Post Office. After earning inconsistent commissions with many different online programs for 3 years, I finally planted my flag with Four Percent. Overwhelm, frustration, and anxiety had finally made me realize that I needed a mentor.
Now working full-time for Lyft, I capitalized on the time in between fares to turn my car into a ``University on wheels.`` I listened to 15 audiobooks in 2017 alone. All non-fiction Business/Personal Development books such as The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone, The Power of Broke by Daymond John, The Advertising Effect by Adam Ferrier, and The Brand Called You by Peter Montoya to name a few.
Fast-forward to 2018. I'm now a loving Husband and understanding Father of two beautiful little Queens. This year I'm building my online empire as I master Traffic Generation, Conversions, and Strategic Positioning in the marketplace. As I take the Four Percent Challenge I can feel my paradigm shifting from that of failure to Success.
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