

Jeremy Payne

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Join Date - 2025-03-17

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Spinal Tethering Surgery



About Me

My name is Jeremy Payne. I am from the USA. Spinal tethering is meant to hold useful advantages within this carefully-selected category of scoliosis patients-with-inclusion-of those being fit. It differs from its older counterpart in surgery-the spinal fusion-in that tethering tries to correct the curve while leaving some parts free with range of motion and flexibility. Therefore, the back feels naturally freer and more than that, long-term implications of that stiffness can actually be reduced. Also, it enables continued growth, thus it could prove very useful for younger patients so they do not have to suffer in height restrictions some times experienced with spinal fusion. It's very far from being the answer for everyone, but Spinal Tethering Surgery could be an exciting option-in a small, yet potentially significant way-to help enhance quality of life for people with scoliosis.

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