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Understanding the Different Types of Sports Training
Published by santha jessi methushala — 01-02-2017 08:01:09 AM
Interested in sports training but not sure what it’s all about? It’s important to know that sports training is for athletes and non-athletes alike. You don’t have to be Tim Tebow in the off season to benefit from sports training. In fact, children and adults of all skills and abilities can learn, grow, and improve their fitness by joining a sports training facility. First, let’s take a look at the different types of sports training.
Sports Training for Children
Some children are born with a natural athletic ability. Others need to spend some time working on their coordination and confidence. Both groups of children can improve with sports training. While each facility is different, here’s a range of what you can find.
Introductory – The entry level programs for children generally focus on sportsmanship, work ethic, coordination, athleticism and generating a positive and healthy approach to fitness, competition, and life.
Intermediate – Intermediate programs take it to the next level and focus on skill improvement including endurance, speed, mobility, balance, and strength. This level can be used to help a child improve their physical confidence and abilities and also prepare them for competitive sports.
Advanced and competitive – At this level a child is generally involved in competitive sports. It continues to help children boost their overall work ethic, sportsmanship, and confidence while focusing on the child’s athletic goals. It can be a good way to stay in shape during the child’s off season.
Sports Training for Adults
As mentioned, you don’t have to be a competitive athlete to get value from sports training. Here’s what a local facility may have to offer:
Boot camps – Boot camps are a fun way to get a whole body workout. You can see fabulous results over the course of a 6-8 week boot camp. It’s a great method for kick-starting a fitness program or getting over that weight loss or fitness plateau.
Personal training - Want to achieve a new personal record in your sport of choice but not sure how to get there? Personal training can give you the dedicated focus and strategy you need. Or if you’re struggling to get over a plateau in your fitness or weight loss plan, personal training can be the advantage you’ve been looking for.
Non-competitive athletes – Millions of people participate in sports they love without ever earning any medal or place on the podium. They do it because they love it. Whether you enjoy running or tennis, softball or cyclocross, sports training can help you take your fitness to the next level.
Finally, if you are a competitive athlete then sports training has a place for you. From collegiate to elite professional sports, there are resources at a training facility that can help you further your professional career.
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