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Hi everyone,
This is my first ever blog post so bear with me! I always hear the expression-"you need to get out of your comfort zone" if you want to be successful! Just letting you know that I am way out of it!
Around the time I retired 4 years ago I began looking for a home business online that I could get into and earn a good supplemental income to help me get by.
I quickly got so sick of the biz ops that claimed "this op is taking the net by storm!" that I quit looking at those ops.
Since I didn't have any money to spend on the ones that really sounded good I had to search and find good ones that I could join free and work them until I could upgrade.
Part of that learning process is finding top marketers that have a good reputation not only for success but for honesty, integrity and are willing to teach newbies how to market the right way.
In my search I have found a handful of those marketers and trust them to give good advice and help as well as quality opportunities to get into.
In Sep 2015 while clicking on e-mails to earn credits to mail my promotions (remember, I have no money for advertising) I opened an e-mail from a lady that really impressed me. She was able to present her opportunity in such a clear and concise manner and with such passion that I signed up right away!
Now, this is NOT a "get rich overnight" biz op like so many claim to be. The Chief, as I call her, had a definite vision for her company and wanted others to see it and be willing to join her, for free. They need to be willing to work, and learn from her, and grow the membership.
Chief has many years in the MLM business and is a computer expert, which comes in handy when dealing with an online business.. She is more than willing to take the time to teach those of us that want to learn! I have learned a great deal from her and she teaches me something new and valuable all the time. As the boss, she doesn't think she is "too good" to teach us and shows us respect and friendship along with great leadership!
What is the company that I spend a lot of time working and promoting? A company that looks for other ethical companies to include, companies that do good in the world, companies that share the revenue with their members, etc.
A company that received rave reviews from newspapers, app experts, and magazines (e.g. Entrepreneur) from around the world.
The company I am talking about is Your Web Base
When YWB started, we were to be basically a database for 7-8 companies that had contracts with YWB for us to test their new games, videos, and other products and the YWB membership would share the revenue.
While waiting for these companies, Chief and her crew developed our own games and app, which are to pay on 7 levels! So it is important for the members to recruit. When our membership is large enough we will turn the games back on. Then watch us grow!
Did you know that Candy Crush has over 124 million players on average that play daily and that the owners make $Billions off of those players! They don't share the revenue!
Same goes for FB, They have millions of members, they make $Billions from you and share none of that money with you!
Does that seem right, fair to you?
Join us, NOW! Help us grow!
We share the revenue, you could earn some of it!
To your success!
L. Miller
P.S.- I don't do FB or Skype. I do WOW. ( I earn for my chat, phone, playing games, reading the news, shopping, my network, and more! You can also find WOW in the back office of YWB, along with other programs, Choose the ones you like, put in your ID and update them so your referrals will be in your down line when they join them.
P.S.S.-If this first post goes well, I may just do some more! I have other opportunities to discuss.
About L Miller

Retired, trying to turn my part time hobby into a full time business, producing multiple streams of residual income to enable me to better provide for my family and be able to help others.