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No more confusing programming. It learns the temperatures you like and programs itself.
Wi-Fi Thermostat: Connect the Nest Thermostat to Wi-Fi to change the temperature from your phone, tablet or laptop.
Energy Saving: You’ll see the Nest Leaf when you choose a temperature that saves energy. It guides you in the right direction.
Smart Thermostat: Early-On Nest learns how your home warms up and keeps an eye on the weather to get you the temperature you want when you want it.
Home/Away Assist: The Nest Thermostat automatically turns itself down when you’re away to avoid heating or cooling an empty home.
Works with Amazon Alexa for voice control (Alexa device sold separately)
Auto-Schedule: Nest learns the temperatures you like and programs itself in about a week.
Home/Away Assist: Nest automatically turns itself down when nobody’s home to help you save energy.
Remote Control: Connect your thermostat to Wi-Fi to control the temperature from your phone, tablet or laptop.
Farsight: When the Nest Thermostat spots you across the room, it lights up beautifully to show you the time, temperature or weather.
Energy Star: First thermostat to earn Energy Star. Your thermostat controls half your energy bill - more than appliances, more than electronics. Saving energy starts with your Thermostat.
Energy History: Check your Energy History in the Nest app to see how much energy you use and why.
Nest Leaf: You’ll see the Leaf when you choose a temperature that saves energy. It guides you in the right direction.
About Joe Brown

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