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We know that the wealthiest 10 percent of the population keep their own legal teams on retainer. We know that the bottom 10 percent are provided access to the public defender system.
But what about the 80% of the population in the middle?
At a couple hundred dollars AN HOUR the burden of calling upon an attorney gets very heavy very quickly so many of us never ask for the help we know we need.
I never have to worry about this...
The goal of LegalShield is to make sure that the "other 80%" have a legal voice, and that "Equal Justice Under Law" is a reality for us too.
With over a million customers, we're giving families all across North America this great feeling of peace of mind and confidence.
What if YOU always had the freedom of saying, "I'm going to speak with MY lawyer about this," no matter how major or how minor the issue?
Ask yourself
- have you ever been overcharged for a repair?
- ever signed a contract you didn't understand?
- ever had trouble with an insurance claim?
- have you ever been issued a moving or parking violation?
- ever gotten a speeding ticket?
- been audited by the IRS?
- ever bought a home?
- or prepared a will?
Click here for more information....
About Joe Brown
Earn up to 10% in referrals by advertising Amazon products, Company Overview Amazon Associates is one of the first online affiliate marketing programs and was launched in 1996. The Amazon Associates program has a 15+ year track record of developing solutions to help website owners, Web developers, and Amazon sellers make money by advertising millions of products from When website owners and bloggers who are Associates create links and customers click through those links and buy products from or, they earn referral fees. It’s free to join and easy to use. Provide customers the convenience of referring them to a trusted site where they can immediately purchase the products you advertise on your site. And when they do, you can earn up to 15% in referral fees. Take advantage of various Amazon retail promotions and leverage our newly created advertising features to drive traffic and earn referrals.