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Lets Engage and Take This Life Changing Opportunity
Published by John B Opio — 03-18-2017 02:03:00 PM
Hi, John here,
I hope you are having a good weekend so far. I have sent you numerous emails so far talking about Online Business and Money. Today I want to focus more on you as a fellow human being.
I want to let you know I am real person and I am not just trying to Spam your inbox for ulterior motives, I mean well. I want to engage you on a deeper Personal Level and see where I can help you as a Person and from a Financial Stand Point. After all that is what good people do and its what unites us a human race.
As a people we go through challenges in Life. Some makes us stronger and some just breaks us. Which is why having a good support system in Life is Imperitive alround from immediate family, friends and acquaintances.
Financial difficulties in todays world robs us of true happiness alround because everything we do in Life has a Financial implication hence we find ourselves in all sorts of problems that also has serious health implications.
Families struggle to make ends meet from putting food on the table, clothing, accomodation, Low Income jobs with career prospects, and these are supposed to be the basics and yet we struggle with them. More often than most we are merely survivng and Living life they way we should in an ideal world.
We are stuck in jobs that we do not necissarily enjoy but because we have to in order to make ends meet therefore living a very basic Life.
Now, I just want to ask a few questions of where you are at this moment in time as you read this email-;
1- Are you in debt?
2- Are you spending less time with your family because you have to work long hours?
3- Are you stuck in a job and just about surviving because you have bills to pay and there is no hope?
4- Are you living a house barely big enough to house your Family?
5- Are you struggling in your career and the future looks bleak?
6- No Guaranteed job security insight.
7- Your Finances does not allow you to afford the finer things in Life like owning a House, buying a Car, Holidaying etc
If you are in a Predicament with most of the above questions, I can help you. I cannot promise, to make you Millions but I can show you the way and with your work ethic, that 6 Figure mark can be Realised.
You may probably want to make $1000, $2000, $5000 or even $10,000+ a Month and yes it is possible.
Lives are being changed everyday and it is great to see and listen to extraordinary testimonials. And these testimonials are from people like you and I. They are Real People with Real Results.
You see often we see the The Wealthy and think maybe they are just a lucky bunch but actually there is nothing special. They simply siezed the opportunity whilst others have not and just dwelled on their Plight and felt sorry for themselves.
Life Changing Opportunities comes to us everyday but it is up to us to sieze them. Your test and I are to open the Doors of opportunity. When you open a Door and the opportunity is not favourable, open the next one until you reach that Door which you are comfortable with and that will be the start of a beautiful journey and change in your Life.
But before you open these Doors, you have to believe that there is a Silver Lining in every Cloud. And that being said, I am not saying that it comes without its challenges. You will have to be resilient and exercise endurance and persistence. Hard work will always pay in the end when on the right path.
You simply have to develope relationships with the right people and you will start to see a change rapidly than you ever imagined.
I was where you are 15 months ago but the relationships I have developed has taken me to a different world.
I now Network with 6 and 7 Figures Earners who were once in your Predicament but have come out at the other side are now showing everyone how they have done it.I can tell you now, its a beautiful feeling networking with people who know exactly what you are going through.
I know that this is probably the longest email you have received from me but trust me your decision rests with this email to take action.
I want to invite you to see what other people like you and I are doing here in the Facebook Group.
Get Started here on that Life Changing Opportunity
Connect with me here on Facebook
Here is my Mobile Number +447846021302
I look forward to hearing from you and building a relationship with you on this beautiful Live Changing Journey.
Talk to you soon.
John B
About John B Opio

My Name is John B Opio from London, United Kingdom. I Have been working Online coming to 5 Years. Its been an Interesting Journey to say the least. You will no doubt see Opportunities promising you to earn big within an hour or you will become a Millionaire Instantly. The reality is that is not True. You will however find opportunities that will change your life when you align yourself with credible and ethical individuals. I have managed in this time to do just that and I now call some of those individual Friends. I have been to Marketing Events and met some of the Internet Marketers who have had success and have influence. In life you have to surround yourself with people who have been there before you so that they can guide not to be a victim of Scams. I now have the luxury of choosing programs that will make you an Income and change you life . If you are reading this profile, connect with me on Facebook or Istagram @johnnykinguk and connect with me. In the mean time go a head and read some of my Blog Posts. Looking forward to working with you and wish you all the Success! Internet Network Marketing is the Place to be Right Now! Please take time to look at my Posts, favourite Programs and Videos with Online Home Businesses I am involved with.