Beware When Eating Pineapple...The Enzymes Will Eat You Back

Published by Nicola Blake — 06-12-2021 05:06:52 PM

The pineapple that miracle fruit has so many medicinal healing properties for the  health of your  body. It's loaded with many vitamins and  minerals  and has so much fiber it's been known to  help  colds and coughs strengthen bones  aids in digestion it's good for your  eyes  it reduces the symptoms of arthritis it  can prevent  hypertension it reduces the risk of  blood clots  it contains many antioxidants it can  prevent  nausea help stress give you energy  help your acne as well as thicken your  hair  and you're probably wondering what is it  in this pineapple  that has so many different healing  properties for the health and wealth of  our body.

 There is an enzyme called bromelain and  bromelain  is a proteolytic enzyme it helps digest  proteins, now think about this  everything in our body is made up of  proteins  our hair our nails our skin our muscles  but it also has amazing strong  anti-inflammatory properties as well and  bromelain is known to help reduce  sinusitis  osteoarthritis inflammation to  autoimmune problems.  It has anti-cancerous effects it helps enhance your digestion,  it will help cleanse the arteries lower  blood pressure  and if you're also looking to lose the  weight and shed those pounds  the enzyme and bromelain can increase  the speed at which the body digests  fats.

 So let's get to the nuts and bolts  you take your pineapple you put it in  your mouth you start chewing on it  it may be nice and cold and sweet, you're  chewing on that fiber  some people may experience a tingling  sensation quite common  what's happening the bromelain in the  pineapple  is starting to digest  you the mucosa in your mouth your lips  your cheeks your tongue  you may notice after eating the  pineapple eating a lot of it,  or chewing it for a long time it becomes  very sensitive  sometimes you may get a little sore in  there it may become raw  now pineapple has citric acid along with  bromelain  it's not the citric acid that causes the  burning  it's the bromelain that's eating your  mouth digesting the proteins  of the mucosa and within your mouth  because that's made up of protein  and that's what's causing the skin or  mucosa inside your mouth  to feel sore and tender.

 Now the  irritation you're experiencing in your  mouth will go away within a couple of  hours and at most  maybe by the next morning most of you  won't even have that irritation  but if you are sensitive to pineapple a  little trick for you,  eat it with another protein if you eat  it with yogurt  the enzymes in the pineapple will start  working on the yogurt  as well as your mouth but you probably  will not experience  any symptoms at all now.

 This is very  important there are two sides to the  bromelain  one side is if you eat the bromelain  with other foods  particularly proteins your digestion is  going to be much better  because this is a proteolytic enzyme  that digests proteins  great for digestion but if you take the  enzyme by itself in between meals  it will look for other proteins like  scar tissue  problems in the arteries that's how it  can help clean your arteries  that's how it can get rid of scar tissue  maybe in your joints  because the proteases or the proteolytic  enzymes  are looking for proteins and if there's  food it will digest  food but if there's no food it will  start digesting scar tissue  and other conditions that you may be  experiencing so I hope you enjoyed this article  now you understand how powerful the  pineapple really is. 

About Nicola Blake


Greeting To You All My Name is Nicola Blake and I am from Jamaica. I am on this platform to share value in the following topics which includes relationships, health and fitness, self help, make money online, pets etc. I hope that my blogs and products will be beneficial to you. Regards Nicola Blake