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Man's relationship with his best friend is about as old as civilization itself. Training a puppy into the perfect dog can be a huge task though.
Does The Perfect Dog Exist?
The relationship between man and dog is about as old as civilization itself. Man's best friend however can at times get out of control. The origin of this situation normally goes back to the dog's puppy days. Most people who have a dog start of very enthusiastically when the dog is still a puppy but, as time passes on, the proper education and training are neglected. Once the dog is grown up and misbehavior comes to the forefront the dog is usually the one under scrutiny.
Have you ever wondered why some people's dogs are so well behaved? Everybody has an opinion when it comes to dog training. Lately raising a perfect dog is much talked about. However, the general question is do they exist?
Going to Puppy School...
Does a perfect person exist? This is the question we should actually be asking and I think you will agree that the answer is undoubtedly... No they don't!
This answer then lead us to the next question which is; Why then is it the dog that is under fire when they don't behave according to our criteria?
We do however find some very amazing people out there, and there are some evenly amazing dogs too. So, where then lays the secret? To the best of my knowledge my advice is that, before you start doing the commando crawl and roly-poly's, getting hung up about going to puppy school and making high-fives, consider the following. Do you really want your dog to roll-over and play dead, jump through loops basically becoming a circus artist performing monkey to entertain the crowds? I think not!
We all normally have a lot of Oohs, Ah's and Wow's when a dog does a neat trick but is this really all that you want for your best friend? In the majority of cases when one encounters these kind of entertaining dogs there are usually some kind of other flaw.
Soon the owner has to warn the visitors and especially their children. I bet you have heard the following when visiting your friends; "Don't go near his food bowl when he's eating". "Watch out for his head when you pat him". "Don't let the children near his toys... !" The list goes on and on. We sometimes find out too late that we have been so focused on teaching our dog to sit and stay that we totally forget to think of the really important stuff. Ever wondered why this is? Plan must be Made...
The answer is quite simple. Because, we are stuck to what other dog trainers do and in the process we lose sight of what we are supposed to do to train our dog more important matters. We are so into the sit, stay and the down commands following other dog trainers and in the end we achieve nothing. That's right. Like sheep, everyone is following the next person and nobody is asking WHY?
Think about it, has a man ever been given the death sentence for having too many spelling errors in a report? In the same sentence one could ask has a dog ever been put to sleep for not sitting or for not rolling over? The answer in both cases is a blatant NO. Fact of the matter is that most people after a while don't really care whether the dog sit, stay or down in their own daily routine. However those are the things our dogs get trained to do at puppy school! WHY? Oh Boy...
Aggression now that is something else, wah! When the dog is aggressive to children, owners, strangers and the mail man then we want to react and a "plan must be made" at once. More dogs have been put to sleep for aggression, barking, growling and challenging than for any other reason.
More danger is unleashed by an out of control dog than is anticipated. A dog pulling on a leash and ignoring you when you let them off can do more harm and is a danger to themselves around cars and other dogs. Yet so few trainers pay attention to this and show you how to prevent this because, so very few of them understand the principle themselves.
Most Frequent Dog Behavioral Problems
In your opinion what are the most encountered dog behavior problems?
- Aggressive round the food bowl
- Pulling and Biting on the Leash
- Dog barking without end
- Out of control when taken for a walk
- Perception of the Perfect Dog
In the majority of cases most people's idea of the perfect dog is summarized in the following principles below and in no particular order.
- Amazing at coming when called at the park.
- Calm around all other animals including dogs.
- Relaxed and obedient around the home
- A real angel when walking on the leash in public
- Friendly to all people including children.
I can hear you thinking... Hmm... Maybe he has a point!
...and, if I am not mistaking your next question is...
So, How do we achieve it?
Perfect Solution
Well amazing news is that it is not complicated anymore and can be done in the comfort and the privacy of your own home. It does not have to be complicated or tricky anymore...all thanks to Doggy Dan's The Online Dog Trainer Video website To top it all off Dan even offers a 3 Day $1 trial of the site that You can take advantage of. If educating and training your dog is of concern to you, I suggest that you go over to the site today and take a look inside. Right now, if you follow the link you can also get a Free 5 Day Video Course to help you decide.
Amazing Video Collection
The most amazing collection of videos showing you exactly how to achieve this kind of "perfect dog" is available inside this website. All the things I've just mentioned are amazingly easily available. In fact Doggy Dan guides you through the video diary of 8 week old puppy Moses. You get to watch and train your own puppy at exactly the right time making sure problems don't manifest later on. This is all made possible because of a video series made with a specific puppy for an entire year. In the process he presented a series of lessons each week that need to be learned at that particular stage of the puppy's life. The diary takes us through a 365 day cycle from beginning to end of Puppy Moses's training.
The cool thing about this site is that once your dog is fully grown you can always go back. The site caters for every kind of dog problems that you might encounter in the future. Health, food, behavior and training are all covered with in-depth sections inside the site. With a truly amazing collection of over 250 videos inside, All the 5 important behaviors I mentioned earlier are covered... and much, much more!
Remember by doing something different You can get results you've always dreamed of OR you can continue doing what you've always done and get the same result. So if you really want to have a dog that you can be proud of and be the envy of the community then look no further. Take advantage of the FREE 5 Day Video Training Course Now and then simply take the 3-DAY $1 trial inside Doggy Dan's site here:
Doggy Dan The Online Dog Trainer
About Theuns Victor

Ex South African Army Logistics Officer. Retired Early in 2013. Always dreamed of having an online business. Passionate about "Saving the Rhino" Love my White male lion and have a passion for dogs specially Dalmatians. Currently divorced and hoping to still travel to some countries in other parts of the world. Biggest mission to make the South African population understand everything about the internet is not bad and to help fellow country folk to become entrepreneurs and take care of themselves.