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How To Start Your Online Business - "Let's Make Money Online"
What every beginner in the online industry should know before starting an online business. Covering the 8 most important topics when one start an internet business. Extra bonuses inside.
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This post does not promote any particular product or service but several which I found helped my business grow and could help you build a business with the essentials needed to have a sound cash flow.
Entering the world of the online marketer should be an exhilarating adventure, a dream come true but for most new adventurers it turns into a deadly nightmare of survival.
What I am about to reveal might be ticking a lot of people of but I have always been considered a rebel and someone who is to outspoken for his own good. However the fact is somebody has to spill the beans and has to open his big mouth.
The truth is the majority of people does not like it when someone is brave enough to open his big mouth and they will tell you a lot of things which I will list below in a moment. The bare facts though are that the human race in all aspects are actually all the same in many ways which are never having time for the next guy when it comes to their personal issues on a majority of topics. We have our own preset perceptions on a subject and we expect the next guy to think the same way.
Hell, could you imagine how boring the world would have been if we all had the same views. However to share knowledge and secrets and address the next guys issues is the furthest from our mind. Here is exactly where the problem lies for newbies in the online marketing industry. We just give them enough to tickle their fancy and get the feeling of what it could be like and then we pour a lot of literature digital and other down on them like a tsunami and then we expect them to swim and survive.
97% of established online marketers make the biggest mistake of all which is to not have a safety net available for those poor suckers we pull in with our outrages offers. This is a wild statement to make but the fact of the matter is once we have pulled a newcomer into the vortex we get out of the way to safety and leave the poor bloke to swim to the shore.
Since my entrance to this wild world I have encountered many who attempted to rub of their products before they even cared to find out what my real issues were. In most cases everybody is telling you "WHAT" one should do to be successful but out of roughly 273 people I encountered who tried to reach out with a business proposal or a product they were promoting perhaps 2 or 3 actually addressed my issue at the time.
When it comes to technicalities and other hype no less than 99.5%, I'd say, would even bother to answer or they immediately changed the subject. One never find the answer and in the end you have to figure it out for yourself.
Unfortunately my reality over the past 16 months of a 20 year old dream is that nobody is concerned with your issues. They are only concerned with their own. Whether they know the answer or not in 98% of cases one does not get the answer you are seeking at the time.
It needs to be said that if there was one thing I realized just a as little as 10 weeks ago it was the fact that the online marketing industry is over run with greed, lies, deceit and to top it all of the most BS I have encountered anywhere in my professional career outside.
This is exactly where I realized one has to be thick skinned to survive until I met the guys at 12 Second Commute and their approach. To be able to do the basic things in online marketing one need tools and 12 Second Commute has made this possible at a rate that kills the fees one has to pay at major companies for hosting, autoresponders and websites. The fact is that 12 Second Commute has tackled the issue of deception and with excellent training material they open the world to newbie marketers in order to start a successful online business.
1. Beware of those who seek to suck you in with a lot of FREE gifts and bonuses. I have so many book bonuses I had to buy a separate external mini drive to find storage space.
2. Beware of those who promise they will show and teach you everything. It's a born dead promise.
3. Beware of the majority of those who promise they are willing to help. They get very easily annoyed with you when you ask too many, what seems to them, stupid questions.
4. Beware of the done for you systems. They are done for you when they sucked in your money and you realize you don't have success with them, that is when it is too late and you are on the loosing end.
5. Beware of the "Secret to Online Success" Everybody has their own little secret and that is used to suck you in. The truth is their are no secrets. One has to find your own methods to achieve success. No method or system works the same for everybody. The gurus will tell you their's is the best, another millionaire will tell you his is the best and the list goes on and on. No method or system works the same for everyone.
6. Beware of those who tell you they make lots of money everyday with only six hours work a week. They are either telling a big fat fib or they are so established that they have a staff who do this for them.
The following is a list, in no particular sequence of what people tell you when you start asking questions. Beware of those who seek to destroy your dreams and ideals with the following:
1. "You won't make it if you think it's hard". Anything is hard for somebody who has never done it before and if you don't get told how and shown exactly what to do and what the end result will be, you will not make it.
2. "You have to have the right mindset". Mindset is not the issue, however if you encounter obstacles put in your way by circumstances you have no control over no positive mindset will ever remove the obstacle.
3. "You have to take action". I heard this maybe a thousand times and the irony is that, when one spend 16 to 18 hours a day as a newcomer trying to establish yourself and trying to build a business online then I wonder what other action you should take. Nobody, not even the top marketers define the term/statement "Take Action" in such a way that 99% of newcomers understand what they mean. To date nobody has yet informed what exactly the action is that I need to take.
4. "You won't make it if you think it is too Technical". The joker who made this statement must be a second Einstein. The irony of this statement is that for some people it is easy and natural to divert to Google or Yahoo and search for what they find technically difficult, read two lines and know how to resolve their issue immediately. Once again this is not how it is for every one. Some people need more than that to give them the know-how knowledge solve their issue. If we were all Einstein's this would be a hell of a boring world once again and we would have nothing new to explore and investigate.
5. "You won't make it because you don't have a mentor" Beware! Personally I don't disagree with the principle of having a mentor. Fact is most mentors want to clone their ideas onto their pupils and that is in my very humble and maybe idiotic opinion a very dangerous situation. Yes having a mentor is good but, a good mentor should advice, encourage and inspire and not tell you to "shut-up and listen". Doing that is telling me to not use my own initiative develop my own persona and do what works for me but telling me to become him/her.
6. "Be Positive, Stay Positive". Another joker who have come to bamboozle the world into believing that with his so-called "positive thinking attitude" one would achieve all your goals with top marks. This is one of the biggest lies ever created and the "Power of Positive Thinking" principle idea was created by a guy who is already dead and buried. In the end on his death bed he admitted that he had not succeeded 100% with this idea on this philosophy. Show me one person on this planet that never got discouraged one day in his life and I will show you Peter Pan and the Tooth Fairy. The secret is to find a way around the issue and turn that into a positive action.
7. "You won't succeed if you moan and complain about everything that is wrong". Once again a statement made by someone who probably were born with the proverbial "golden spoon" in his/her mouth. Never had a day of hardship and everything falling into place like a puzzle having a wand circled over it. When one has no control over a situation it is natural to moan and complain. Once again show me truthfully the person who has never gone through life without moaning or complaining about something for a few weeks until the situation was resolved and this time I will show you Zeus and Ra the Sun God. Usually people who do make these kind of statements have a very short memory because they have forgotten what it was like to be a beginner. In the South African Army we had a lot of them, Majors who had forgotten what it was like to be a second lieutenant, we called them the "wannabee" colonels because they were now waiting for appointment as an Officer Commanding and had to impress the generals. It is how we divert the moan or the complain and turn it into positive method which in the end will make what counts.
Read more about Secrets and lies on my blog "Secrets to Online Marketing, a Newbie Eye Opener".
It does not matter what kind of personality you have and what your views are, one or all the aspects above will at some point come across your path. This is where you need the right encouragement and inspiration to motivate yourself again. Having a mentor and an encouraging family member or friend to support you in these times are what is important and necessary. Trouble is that in too many cases people you encounter more often utter words of discouragement than encouragement. You can not go about and tell a person maybe he is not meant to be here that causes a breakdown in moral more than people think. To also use degrading terms and phrases in the hope that you might encourage a person is stupid and utterly foolish. The days of using negative slogans to try and lift someone up and think you will get the best out of them is utterly foolish and long gone dead.
What you do need to establish and nurture is another kind of mindset which include the following, in my opinion.
1. Yes, I want to do this and no matter what any of the so-called experts say I will stick to it.
2. Yes, I am willing to work hard and long hours to achieve success.
3. Yes, I want to achieve success as an online marketer.
4. Yes, I am set on giving my prospective customer the best advice and service.
To start building a lucrative list and finding your way to success VIP Position is a good place to start. Here are a few list builders and cash flow generators you can investigate to support your online efforts.
One of the most common problems I encountered myself was cash flow and these are programs to support your efforts in that.
The following are sites where you can find hundreds of promo codes for free advertising on various sites.
For easy to the point training on the basics and a doorway to the right easy to use tools go to:
Affiliate Marketing not giving you what you expect for your efforts I recommend you explore the my Affiliate Loophole
Get your own personalized website, visit my site for more information:
Finally if you are really looking for the cold facts and how to overcome them in a cold market connect with me on any of the major social sites. If I can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to get in touch with me any time.
website: X-chiever -
About Theuns Victor

Ex South African Army Logistics Officer. Retired Early in 2013. Always dreamed of having an online business. Passionate about "Saving the Rhino" Love my White male lion and have a passion for dogs specially Dalmatians. Currently divorced and hoping to still travel to some countries in other parts of the world. Biggest mission to make the South African population understand everything about the internet is not bad and to help fellow country folk to become entrepreneurs and take care of themselves.