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How To Let Visualization Eradicate Negative Outside Influences…
Published by Theuns Victor — 04-11-2017 03:04:39 AM
To achieve anything in life which is worthwhile one has to set goals. Setting goals to get what you want requires defining those goals and then pursuing them with passion and vigor. One way to achieve success in reaching those goals are through the practice of “Visualization”.
Seeking to impact the outer world, visualization practice alters ones thoughts and expectations through imagination into positive thinking and particular behavior or events occurring in one’s life. Athletes frequently utilize the fundamental technique of visualization to enhance their performance.
To realistically achieve success with visualization, producing a detailed schema of what one wants is proposed by advocates of the practice. The purpose is to then visualize it again and again with all of the senses by transforming this condition into; what you can see; what you can feel; what you can hear …and what it smells like. For instance, in sports a golfer visualizes the perfect stroke again and again to mentally train motor skills memory.
Visualization practices are a typical form of spiritual exercise. In Vajrayana Buddhism, complex visualizations are utilized to attain Buddhahood, e.g. Generation Stage. Additionally, visualization is utilized extensively in sports psychology.
A few celebrities have endorsed the utilization of visualization and claimed it had a substantial role in their success. Such celebrities include Oprah, Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Robbins, Bill Gates, Ronnie Bernard and other people.
Will Smith, during an interview with Tavis Smiley in 2008, admit that he utilized the practice of visualization to defeat challenges and visualized his success long before becoming successful as an actor.
In another example actor Jim Carrey, wrote out a check to his order in 1987 in the sum of 10 million dollars and dated it 'Thanksgiving 1995'. In the notation he wrote the words, “for acting services rendered.” Visualizing it for a long time he got $10M for his role in Dumb and Dumber in 1994!
Allowing outside influences to poison your mind with negative propaganda you become a victim of negative target fixation. Center your creativity on where you wish to be and fully accept your role in what you manifest. Then get ready to be amazed as the doors of possibility swing open and your life takes on a totally new dimension.
Achieving one’s goals through visualization requires constant focus, painting a vivid picture of going across the finish line and of seeing oneself succeeding. Visualization does not replace hard work but is a means to manifest the hard work into the outcome one seek.
Understanding the principles and how visualization can work for you in achieving your goals to eventually get what you want is the first step to success and should be pursued with passion, fortitude and dedication. Memorize the picture you see crossing the finish line in a marathon, the house you dream of living in, the nice car you are driving in, the glorious vacation you dream about and anything else you desire and visualize all the time what it feels like, what it tastes like, what it smells like and how you feel when you experience it, experience it over and over again and your dream can be a reality soon.
Set your goals; define the outcome you desire, visualize the outcome, pursue the end result with passion, don’t get sent of track and achieve success.
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Visualization Manifestation
About Theuns Victor

Ex South African Army Logistics Officer. Retired Early in 2013. Always dreamed of having an online business. Passionate about "Saving the Rhino" Love my White male lion and have a passion for dogs specially Dalmatians. Currently divorced and hoping to still travel to some countries in other parts of the world. Biggest mission to make the South African population understand everything about the internet is not bad and to help fellow country folk to become entrepreneurs and take care of themselves.