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Steps are already been taken to BAN prepping... especially stockpiling food right here in America.
For example, Trump has signed an executive order that gives the government authority over and EVERY resource and infrastructure in the USA.
For many American families, stockpiling will turn out to be a HORRIBLE idea... because the military, national guard, and local police can enter our homes and search them without a warrant...
And take any "excessive resources" that you may have accumulated. This includes your food stockpile.
But after 13 years of dedicated research, there is an invention... a "food stockpile" that they can NEVER steal from you... and that will keep you and your family well fed in a crisis.
Some prepping experts call it "The Holy Grail Of Self Sufficiency".
About Gerald Stephens

Hello, My name is Jerry, I am a Christian who enjoys talking to people about Jesus and life in general.