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I have heard the saying throughout my years of network marketing that
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In network marketing,
followers are what we actually want. But, we must keep in mind that
this business of network marketing is like a volunteer fire department
or a volunteer army. People choose to participate and they also choose
to follow you or not. This participation depends in part on how great
of a leader you are.
John C, Maxwell, one of my favorite authors, wrote in his book,
"Developing the Leader Within You", that leadership means to
influence others. He says, "Everyone talks about it; few understand
it. Most people want it; few achieve it." This is so profound. He
defines leadership as the ability to get followers. Many think that
having the ability to get followers makes them great leaders or shall
I say put them in a leadership position.
Having big list that you have built into a downline does not necessarily
make you that leader, especially one with influence. Developing a strong
link between business and people in your downline or people on your team,
products and up line training systems is a learning process and will help
you with developing and cultivating your networking business and the goal
of realizing your dreams and financial security and becoming the influence
that you want as a leader.
The bottom line is being a good leader is being the person others will
gladly follow and build a lasting business relationship with. When this
happens, I think it is safe to say that you have reached that level of
leadership that that can most certainly influence others.
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About Kathleen Ayers

I am Kathleen Ayers, an aspiring internet marketer who loves connecting to and networking with people around the world. My dream is to inspire as many people as I can to realize their full potential and dreams and to encourage them to be that change in the world they want to see.