​Will.i.am walked past me today!!

Published by Kelvin Wood — 03-14-2017 04:03:25 PM

Will.i.am walked past me today!!

This was a major shock....

I was at a service station grabbing a sandwich and he was there literally a metre from me looking directly at me...

What did I do? I carried on walking DOH!!

Why? Why didn't I just say "Hi Will"?

I'll tell you why not.... fear of rejection, he was there with no security and no crowd I was a metre away from a global superstar and I bottled it...

Do I regret it? Yes

If I'd said Hi, what's the worst that could happen?

He could have ignored me and carried on with his day.... but by not saying Hi I will never know.

He could have said Hi back

I perhaps could have got a selfie and be telling you a different story..

Headline: Today I met Will.iam

How cool would that have been?

My point is that you are in control of your own destiny.  If you take action you have 2 outcomes if you don't take action you have 1 outcome..

Which odds do you prefer?

Take Action


Have a great day wherever you are..



About Kelvin Wood


I'm all about my daughter, tattoos, music, healthy living and connecting with people from all walks of life. Life is about growing as a person in my eyes, learning constantly excites me and making a living on line full time is my goal to give me the financial freedom to spend more time with the people I love and to do the things I enjoy.