Leased Ad Space
As with most affiliate programs, you can join our global network for free, but with a difference. In order to be part of our global opportunity, you DO NOT need to promote any product. You simply invite others to also join for free. Watch the Video.
We have created a safe place for all Internet users (safe zone) to do business. We keep out the "Bad" guys.
We also use our own crypto currency (Rainbow) as well as fiat currencies as payment methods. We also have our own private block chain (launch August 15, 2018) exclusively for rainbow.
To further protect your privacy and data we use what we call a PerNum system. Your own free PERsonal NUMber.
Approved businesses globally join our network and agree to accept Rainbow as a means of payment in addition to fiat currencies.
Affiliates (members) join our network and invite other internet users to also join for free.
Once any person in your levels 1 - 5 makes any purchases at any participating business, you earn a commission or bonus. If the person pays with Rainbow, you earn Rainbow as commission and if he/she use fiat currency ($US or Euro) as payment method, you earn fiat currency as commission.
There are many more benefits, for example, if you recommend a business in your area (local business) and the business is accepted as part of our network, you earn a commission. This is for ALL businesses, not only online.
You can also earn free Rainbow through certain simply activities on our own websites that form part of our network or you can purchase Rainbow at the only exchange we recommend. You will not be able to buy or sell Rainbow at any other exchange.
You will eventually understand all these extra ways to make money, but at this moment it is important that you understand the following.
As an affiliate, you invite other people to join for free and when any of them purchase any product/ service from any participating business, you earn a commission or bonus.
That means you join free, invite others to do the same and earn Rainbow and / or fiat currency commissions. That’s It. The more people you invite the more money you will make.
You do not need to buy or sell anything. You will not find and easier way to make money!
Believe me, it's much easier (and cheaper) to get people to join for free than to promote a product and hope they buy.
Recent surveys have shown that 96% of affiliates earn less than $100 per month. It is a shame and we are going to change these figures for good.
Watch the video again and realize what you have in your hands. Do not wait, use it!
If you do not use this opportunity, the next person will and then you end up joining "under" him or her. Be a Leader not a Follower.
About Johan Maritz

I struggled as an online Marketer until I start building my list. Now I have an ATM (just send offers to my list and make money) If you serious about "Work from Home and Earn Money" follow me and you will be surprised how easy it is, when you join the right program, build your list and start to Earn online .