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At the end of 2011 I noticed a program that promised to never ever ask or take any money from me. They offered an opportunity to earn without spending.
I joined to find out how honest they are and because usually there are a lot of hidden costs and I've seen the warnings online "nothing is for free" and "if it's sounds to good to be true, it usually is, stay away".
Today I am still an active member and did not regret joining years ago and yes, they kept their promise and until today I have not spent any money to be a member or to earn money.
This opportunity is unique and the best on the Internet. Watch the short video by clicking here and decide for yourself.
The Business Model is very simple.
Build a Safe place on the Internet and a Network of websites to bring Businesses and Internet users together. Businesses join, members join for free and if they like a product or service they buy and their up line earn a commission, 5 levels deep. The more people you invite to join for free, the more will find a product or service to buy and the more commissions you earn. No member is required to buy any product, but many will find something that interests them. The goal is to connect 100 million members and 1 million businesses worldwide. A win win opportunity for all. Businesses get traffic to their websites (products) and members can buy safely (without sharing personal data and more) online.
Find out more about protecting your data online by clicking here.
Since 2012, the business did not develop as fast as expected for various reasons, but we are ready to rock and now is the absolute best time to join and invite others to join. The world has taken note and the sky is the limit for all members and businesses.
As the business has grown over the years, it became clear to use or develop an alternative means of payment. Therefore, they offer their own crypto currency (as an alternative) payment method. It makes business easier, faster and eliminates expensive bank charges (for those who would be interested) but if you prefer fiat currency it's fine.
Having your own crypto currency but then use a 3rd party block chain is not what one will call "safe", therefor the decision to develop their own private block chain and this (the block chain) will launch Aug 15, 2018.
On Aug 17, 2018 is also the launch of their worldwide property website. Here, property can be purchased or rented worldwide with the difference that the crypto currency is the only means of payment.
I hope you can see the potential and that we are not talking about a "one webpage" money making scheme but a real earn without spending opportunity.
Currently, the membership is just over 4 million and grows daily and our goal is to reach 100 million by mid/end 2019.
I have tried to give an overview but there are many more I have not mentioned and more and more to come. We will never stop to grow. Therefor I think it is good to include a list of participating businesses (at this moment) below for more information.
It is only necessary to join one and you automatically be a member at the rest and you use the same log-in information for all the websites, even new ones launching in the next 2, 3 or 4 weeks.
List of available websites:
Auction Website (buy and sell)
Alternative to Affiliate Marketing
PS. I sincerely hope you see the potential of this opportunity, Start now. Benefit for the rest of your life by simply getting others to join for free.
About Johan Maritz

I struggled as an online Marketer until I start building my list. Now I have an ATM (just send offers to my list and make money) If you serious about "Work from Home and Earn Money" follow me and you will be surprised how easy it is, when you join the right program, build your list and start to Earn online .