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Before we look at 'Why thousands fail' just a few stats first.
- A recent survey indicated that more than 97% of people trying to make money online earn less than $100 a month.
- Another survey showed that people jump from one program to another, a recipe to fail.
Most people turn to the Internet to make money online for mainly two reasons.
- They are urgently looking for money, and are looking for it fast!
- They want to supplement a salary/pension for a better financial life.
There is a very big misconception that you can make a pile of money overnight on the Internet quickly and free (without spending any).
It's simply not true and certainly the biggest lie ever but many see this gap and advertise the biggest 'scams' because they know people in need will believe anything. They simple take your money, period!
At the end of the day, you pay more than you earn. Certainly not the way to make money or to live a better life.
Why do thousands fail and others are very successful?
The reason is easy and simple - Most (if not all) successful online marketers (GURUs) create their own products. They then place the product on JvZoo, ClickBank or any other platform and affiliates start marketing the product and initiate (send potential buyers) to the sales page and earn commission with each sale. It is called Affiliate marketing. The easiest way to earn online when doing it right.
Why are some affiliates successful and others not?
For the average marketer like you and I, different rules apply and we have to work harder or smarter to be successful. Unfortunately, the playing field is not 'level'.
Affiliates with the highest number of email subscribers (people on their email list) are responsible for most sales and earn the most commissions.
Don't make a mistake, affiliate marketing is very lucrative and some affiliates earn thousands of dollars a month but most affiliates earn nothing. (ZERO).
I know affiliates with an email list of 10, 20 and up to 50,000 email subscribers. Keep in mind that the value of 1 subscriber is currently calculated at $1, then you can understand why these 'super' affiliates earn the money they earn and also make them 'preferred' affiliates with the GURUs to market their products.
They don't have to 'apply" to promote a vendor's products.
The good news is that you don't need such a massive subscribers list, to start earning money. In fact, you can start to earn without a list (zero subscribers) and grow it to 50 ($50), 500 ($500) then 1000 subscribers ($1000) and start earning 4 figures and more.
Now the question: How to start building my email subscribers list?
A few years ago the Internet was completely different from today and it was very easy to build a list. All you needed was an opt-in form and offer a free ebook or newsletter and immediately a subscriber on your list.
Today is completely different, people no longer easily give their details and free ebooks and newsletters no longer do the trick.
Now, the 'buzzword' is 'Funnel' and with the right 'Funnel' it's the easiest way to build your email subscribers list and make money while building your list. The easiest way to be successful online as an affiliate.
The right 'funnel' should give you the opportunity to build your list and earn money at the same time.
There are many types of 'Funnels' available but most are used to 'pull you' in and then sell something to you without the opportunity for you to earn money or build your list.
My friend Bryan created the 'Funnel' I use, and it gives you the opportunity to build your list and earn money while building your list and the best news is that you can get it "free" while it is still available.
REMEMBER point 2: Another survey showed that people jump from one program to another, a recipe to fail.
As you build your list you will realize you need a good Autoresponder to follow up with your subscribers. I use GetResponse but you can use any other one.
If you want to follow me, watch the video, it is free, your funnel is free (if still available) and maybe, just maybe this will change your 'online' life!
In short, you need a Funnel giving you the opportunity to build your list and earn at the same time. Later you need an Autoresponder and 'stick' to one program, use the program and 'work' the program, I promise you will see positive results.
I hope you learned something from this article and wish you every success as an online marketer.
Johan Maritz
About Johan Maritz

I struggled as an online Marketer until I start building my list. Now I have an ATM (just send offers to my list and make money) If you serious about "Work from Home and Earn Money" follow me and you will be surprised how easy it is, when you join the right program, build your list and start to Earn online .